Rayne jerked up to her feet so fast her head apun, swallowing the nausea filling her stomach, gray-blue eyes focused on the male Berkey her. Body relaxing completely at noticing that it wasn't the other male, Rayne clamped her teeth over her bottom lip. Should she? When she didn't know this male? "I-I don't...I was heading to class when one of the new transfer students grabbed my shoulder. I bolted and just noticed that he'd somehow slashed it when he suddenly appeared around the corner I'd just turned and slammed his palm into my side. He-he said that he j-just needed to v-verify s-so-something." Her words were halted and choked, her knees trembled as her heart thundered in her chest. This wasn't good, if she didn't calm down she'd have a panic attack, fingers gripping her side just under the wound, she blinked in surprise when she noticed her backpack missing. She remembered dully that she'd tossed it as she'd taken off, eyes squeezing shut she tried to calm her breathing and heart. The sudden sound of the library door opening had her whole body stilling, the soft thuds of shoes on carpet filled the silence. "I didn't mean to scare you...I just need to see if your bleeding. Are you? Can I see?" His tone was curious and held a tone of glee, Rayne's knees buckled as the open wounds suddenly began to [i]burn[/i]. Her lips parted in a silent scream as laughter filled the air, pain like no other she'd ever felt filled her with terror as her vision faded and a half-choked sob escaped her lips. [@SomeoneSomewere]