[@BytheSpleen] The neck rub calms the horse down considerably, and, with the addition of the girl tending to his horse too, it becomes [i]stable[/i] once more. However, it seems there wasn't much time to get all mushy with their horses, as just over a desert sand dune they could make out what looks to be a massive shadow, though the sounds that were coming from said shadow and the speed in which it was moving made it clear: this was an army. An army of Gnolls. [@Simple Unicycle] Pretty soon, there is nothing but the blood and gore left over from the massacre caused by Connor, the whole floor being a mushy red of blood and human body parts, both inside and out. Not a bandit is left to roam, unless they somehow managed to hide - though with all the slashing it was extremely unlikely. He could hear the girl from his party vomit, and one of the twins looked rather disgusted at the sight, though the orc merely grunted and the other twin comforted his brother. "I suppose we're getting out of here now?" Says the orc, arms folded. "You could've at least let me have one..." (Btw does anyone in your party have any significant equipment/abilities? And do they have names?)