[h3]Jack Orpheus | Brewing Storm[/h3] [color=steelblue]"From there... We should meet up with Priscilla first, an extra hand is always welcome, plus she is currently with confirmed survivors, so we should prioritize what we know"[/color], he proposed. It was a sound plan, they should try and rescue the guaranteed survivors first, before looking to see if there are more. [color=steelblue]"We'll start with just that though, we'll question the survivors for information and decide what to do once we have that information. There's still a lot we don't know here"[/color], the idea to ask the survivors on details was thought of when he asked himself, who would know the most about what they were going to deal with? The survivors of course. It may be a simple rescue mission, but any information they can get about the Grimm they were fighting, or how this all started, would increase their chances of success by a fair margin, not to mention they could prepare counter-measures or be more prepared in general. He looked to the others to see what they thought. [h3]Varius Gilver | Sticky Situation[/h3] [color=gray]"Hmph"[/color], with a short grunt he jumped the aircraft, and just in case, had begun concentrating his aura through his body. If he kept his aura accumulation maintained, he could enter battle more swiftly. Otherwise he was relegated to cleaning up or precision striking, he had the lowest participation rate in their battles, but that was only as far as time spent in combat was concerned. His contributions rate was pretty high. He wasn't the team's precision fighter for nothing after all. After landing into the thickets of the forest, he turned to see how his team fared in the landing. The Nevermore was to be sure an annoyance this mission, but he doubted very much that it was going to be the last they saw of it.