Name: Irina Mehlakova Age: 23 Gender: Female Appearance: [img][/img] Irina is a rather average looking girl. She stands at 5’4” and was roughly 135 lbs last time she checked. Working on the farm has given her strong arms and legs, and the muscle definition can clearly be seen. Her eyes are a light green, speckled with brown and her skin has a warm tan to it. Her hands are rough and calloused, from years of hard work. Backstory: Irina’s whole family, grandparents, aunts and uncles, cousins, everyone, moved from Russia over to the small neighboring country of Latvia when she was very little. She doesn’t remember much of that time, but clearly recalls the long train ride from St. Petersburg all the way to Riga, Latvia. Her grandparents had bought a small farm just outside of the capital and for a very long time all 15 or 16 of them lived in that small wooden cottage. Soon, her parents bought an apartment in the city, but Irina chose to stay with her grandparents. On the farm they owned; two goats, a mother and her son, a cow, a flock of chickens and various cats and dogs that would come and go as they pleased. Irina’s grandparents were old, and her grandfather had suffered a stroke back in Russia, so his mobility was limited. But together they planted fruits and vegetables, they looked after their small patch of land and even renovated the house a bit. Her jobs often included; tending to the garden, taking care of the animals, herding the goats and chickens through the woods by the farm, and hunting for extra food. Personality: Working in order to survive, Irina grew up responsible and caring. She is a kind soul, especially to animals and anything involving nature. However, she is hardheaded and can be stubborn. Having never finished her schooling, Irina isn’t very well rounded in things like science, or History, but she has a passion for reading. Sometimes, Irina can be very straight forward, it comes with the way she was raised, and because of this she sometimes struggles making friends. She’ll tell you exactly what’s on her mind, without even a second thought. Talents: Tri-Lingual (Russian, English, Latvian in order of proficiency), Excellent reader, Can identify many plant and animal species just by looking at them, quick-witted, sharp tongue, very strong in her arms and legs, can walk/run for extended periods of time. Knows how to use a gun and is a fairly good shot. Other: Sometimes she sings to herself. If she’s angry or stressed, Irina might start speaking in all 3 languages at once. Loves stories. Pansexual.