[center][b][h2][color=goldenrod]Noëlle Chrysos[/color][/h2] Team KNVS - Sticky Situations[/b] [@Sho Minazuki][@Crimmy][@Lucius Cypher][@Onarax][/center] [hr] Tensions seemed barely existant at this point, for even with silly antics she'd initiate, no one seemed to really bite her in the ass for it. Varius was as expected, unappealing but at least somewhat charming when laying off the seriousness. Noëlle was unsure as to what he had to prove herself in other than maybe getting along with the team and learning a few combinations. She was a Senior like them after all. Then Shuai came to take his righteous treat in the most unconventional of ways. As creeped out as she was, the blonde quickly realized it was some kind of weird Semblance he had. Of course she expected something a little more chaotic than a bunch of hands from what she could see from the kid, but at least it didn't kill her on the spot. Then some pretty looking rabbit faunus emerged to brief them on the mission. Nothing exceptional, a bunch of spiders surrounding mama spider. Seemed like a piece of cake, in fact why didn't they just bomb the nest from the airship? Would cost a whole lot less effort for the sloth of the group. The typical shortcut through the mission was likely not an option in this case for various reasons she wouldn't bother to even ask, partially because Noëlle still had to 'prove' herself. "[color=goldenrod]Sounds easy en- Ayyeyyyyee! My day's just getting better and better ...[/color]" The ship was assaulted by some giant crow Grimm, an Evermore, and it seemed to be quite feisty too. It wasn't often that an airship was engaged by a Grimm so quickly, which made the experience a whole lot more ... Palpitating. Not that it was a good thing for our lazy friend. The still groggy and unmotivated female had trouble balancing herself, prompting little to no reaction from her when Shuai took the initiative and jumped out to take on the bird. No time to comment on that, this ship was no longer worth it. She hopped out alongside everyone's favorite Varius and landed with enough grace to produce minimal sound. Her already messy hair got a new style going for her, Varius could see a hippy-like crown of leafs on her head as she desperately tried to balance herself after attempting to keep an elegant pose upon landing. Somewhat embarrassed, she laughed it off whilst scratching the back of her head before turning her head to face the sky. Banches were getting in the way, but multiple angles allowed for a clear view of the fight occurring in the heavens. "[color=goldenrod]Well damn, I thought only teachers and students were tryhards in Bacon. Never seen an Evermore this pissed off before. So ...[/color]" Upon closer inspection, and her rather enhanced observation capabilities, Noëlle could easily notice what Shuai was using in terms of weaponry in capabilities. She counted six different magic arms, some form of ability to fly though she didn't capture a god glimpse of the rings and a morphing, giant polearm. That's a lot of stuff under his belt, and it made the blonde all the more curious. "[color=goldenrod]Varius, right? I don't know how you guys operate so, do we just go on and kill the big, ugly spider? At least get closer to say nasty critter? Or do we wait for bossman Khan while watching Terminator here make use a great Thanksgiving feast?[/color]" She joked, brushing her surroundings with her eyes and capturing a good glimpse of the area. Apparently there wouldn't be many hostiles in this area, and they'd be pretty close to the exposed entrance Velvet informed them about briefly. But with all the noise going on, there was bound to be some activity around. More and more, it'd be noticeable that, even in deadly grounds, she had no weapons on her and never bothered to reveal one from her luggage. In a sense, she felt a bit naked next to most of her teammates with visible and somewhat flashy looking tools at their disposal.