[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/em0pBtN.png[/img][/center] [center][b]Gormagh, Ranger of Galuntrung[/b][/center] [center][b]Okly[/b][/center] [@IcePezz] Gormagh's advance halted in its tracks, as if he'd slammed into an invisible wall of stone. His brow furrowed, as he looked at Liara, who fought the Bane of Kalar Splint with a speed and fury he'd never before seen in any mortal man. Her form was perfect, her movements determined and concise. Her exotic blades and her nimble frame somehow held against an overhead swing that would have cleaved Gormagh in two, or at the very least, shattered his wrist. "By the Gods," he managed to mutter, not quite believing what he was seeing. "What is she?" And then she whirled, all soot and mud, breaking from the Bane of Kalar Splint with an attack that seemed so out of place - as if designed to withhold the finality she was capable of unleashing. Gormagh gasped then, when her sunken eyes, as black as night, locked with his - and then returned to the much healthier, much more enticing blue that his intimate thoughts knew her for. "Well that's terrifying," he remarked, panting; his exhaustion returning to him tenfold. "Though perhaps weariness deceives my senses..." [b][color=00aeef]”Rangers, fall back!”[/color][/b] she called. Gormagh looked to his left, looked to his right; green clad bodies marred the mud and the ruins of Okly in place of his living and breathing brothers. He was the last. And as much as that realization pained him, and as much as he wanted vengeance for Kalar, the combatants on the field far surpassed his abilities and valor. Adding himself to the slaughter would do little for him, and even less for the cause of Galuntrung Keep. "We must send word to Lieutenant Hertford," he said, watching the soiled form of Liara trudging towards him. "A regiment of Rangers would see these dogs all put to the stake," he paused to motion to the line of dead men shambling their way. "And they would see those abominations returned to the literature of children's tales." Lieutenant Hertford was one of Kalar's subordinates, whose regiment would be in the vicinity. If the Gods had smiled upon Liara and Gormagh, then perhaps he had stumbled upon the ruins of the Okly caravan, and was perhaps making his way towards the village - having picked up the tracks left by Kalar's men in their hasty advance. Then again, it was possible he was miles away on some other errand. Nevertheless, an escape to the Keep would allow Liara and Gormagh to raise the alarm, and they certainly couldn't dwell in Okly a second longer. "Let us break north, around the dead men, and rejoin the Geshmere Road. Either we find Hertford on our way back to the Keep, or we find him when we get there; it matters little, there is nothing else the two of us can do here." He said, sheathing his sword and backing away from the settling chaos. He turned to see the bearers of Kalar's body vanishing into the green surrounds of a now deceased Okly. He mumbled a prayer, asking for their safe journey, and for his former master, that his soul may find peace in the afterlife.