Every possible scenario’s went though her head: She had to stay there for the night? The man could be a possible danger. Who knows? Maybe he likes young, innocent girls that look like they haven’t slept or eaten decently in a long time. Maybe he’d.. NO! [i]”Don’t think about that, that’s disgusting. He seems like a fair man.. I hope..”[/i] Talking about the devil, the time she was having a conversation all by herself about this situation, he seemed to realize she was indeed stuck for the night. His slow way of approaching her made her take a few steps back to knock her back against the door. Whilst taken a deep breath, Hayley took a few seconds to let his handsome appearance soak into her memory. Though there was something odd about him.. He didn’t seem quite.. ‘youngster’ as he might seem. But yet, he was captivating to her. “Food..” Hayley slowly nodded to his question, and didn’t even bother if anyone would mind her taking the food in the lounge. With an empty stomach she couldn’t possibly try to escape a 1000year old library. “Yes, please.” The fewer words she spoke, the best it seemed. Better to not get too comfortable with a stranger so late at night, right?