"Let's go." [b]Old Gotham 9:34 PM[/b] The night vision lenses on my cowl bathed the area in a sickly green light. I sat squatted down on a ledge five stories above the street, overlooking down below at the passing cars. This part of town is a far cry from the towering skyscrapers and glass and metal behemoths of downtown. Old Gotham is the remnants of colonial Gotham, the city founded three hundred years ago. Small buildings that don't go above six stories, tight alleyways that can induce claustrophobia, it's the perfect place to carry out an ambush. Also the perfect place to set up a counter-ambush. My HUD flashed with a GPS tracking update. Dick's bike is twelve blocks away and closing in. His part of the job was to follow Toots' car from afar and initiate the ambush. If everything sticks to the plan, they'd be at the end of the block heading this way when Dick sped past Toot's car and tossed spikes under the the chassis. If the math and crash projections played out just right, their disabled car would skid to a stop right below me. On the radio in my ear I could hear the sounds from Billy Russo's cathouse visit, thanks to the bug inside his phone. You don't need the details, just know that he was otherwise occupied four blocks away from my current location. Another proximity beep from Dick's bike, this one warned me that he was approaching the time frame to spring the trap. "Thirty seconds, Dick," I said into the bluetooth in my cowl. "We only have one shot at this. Make your move quickly and don't hesitate."