Garland is lucky. When there's a fucking knife going through his Maester's throat, he won't be. He is in a position to develop, but if it ends for him, this whole gambit will crash, and it will completely die. His death would never mean the collapse of the Reach- it would just mean a total uncertainty, it would be a wild Rose, they'd have to opt out of any war, or would be basically completely uncontrolled in how they attacked the Westerlands. It would take Lord Owain, or Lord Loras Hightower-Tyrell to simply represent someone such as Alerie and kick in the back doors of the Westerlands, no matter what Tyget does. We do not know, that is the problem, it would be a genuine uncertainty that even I could not predict which way it swings. You couldn't Red Wedding them, it's like a Hydra's head- bite the biggest one, there's still another with teeth behind, and another. It was never affected by the War of the Five Kings- each other House was thinned out, the Tyrells have expanded massively, even from the fiction, they were making inroads into their own vassals (Brightwater Keep comes to mind). Problems? Aerys could never appear, Drogon could never appear, Jehrilla could roll her ass onto Garland and Alerie and that would be the end of that. I fucking love Game of Thrones. Only here would you find dragons, tits, albinos, politics, military strategy and all manners of thorns. I'm fucking sick of making Rose-related statements on things. Seriously, I'm TOO IC now. I will post then sleep, I can do this for only so long before I lose sight of my actual work :D