He couldn't help but chuckle at her response. "Very well. It's towards the back of the library, a short trip. Follow me." He turned around, slowly making his way towards the back of the library. There was plenty of time to waste, though he figured she wanted to eat sooner rather than later. His footsteps were silent, though he walked steadily. "So," He began, continuing to stare forward. "I saw the flyers, that you brought in. Seems like quite an event." He was curious about how that'd go. Though he had his assumptions that it would be loud, and probably not to his tastes. It was conversation, none the less. Thoughts passed through his mind, about the employee lounge. He recalled the door having a lock on the inside, and narrowed his eyes at the thought of it being locked. Usually he could just go through a wall, but now he had somebody watching him. He began thinking up a plan in case the situation presented itself, it was always good to be prepared. Though he only had one idea in mind, and it was risky. But it could possibly work. It could also go horribly wrong, but that was why it was a risk, and not a solid plan. [I]'I'm overthinking it. The door probably won't be locked, it'll be fine. Who locks the doors inside the building as well, anyways...?'[/I]