Diana... Yes, he remembered Diana. She was a weird one: Enticing and so sexed up at times that Gabriel couldn't help but stare for a while when she 'claimed' Nadine in front of all the guys - which, according to Nadine, was nothing compared to how crazy it got when it came to their love life - but also tender and friendly when she wanted to... not to mention a gigantic bitch when she had a mood swing. Gabriel was no stranger to recreational drugs but he knew better than to mess with the kind that ruined your life; Diana had no such reservations, which explained a lot. He was never quite sure whether he disliked Diana because he had a crush on Nadine or because she seemed like the kind of person who would dig herself and the people around her an early grave if you let her. Hearing that she was out of the picture was a relief, even if the break-up had led to many months of radio silence between her ex and him. But just like her mention had woken dormant memories, his seemed to have done the same. Suddenly, there was this flicker in Nadine's eyes that he so loved. It could mean a great many things - some nights ended with him in some girl's bed, others in an abandoned house with a brilliant view or pulling a practical joke - but it always heralded a good time of some sort. Cassie was an unknown variable, though. He had only vague memories of her as somebody who sat in their vicinity in Dr. Price's class and would occasionally talk to Nadine, a relationship that had apparently flourished in his absence. His question had been more of a joke than anything else, an icebreaker after being gone for too long, an attempt to evoke shared memories and see if they were still friends or if something had changed. But hearing the words 'practical magic' clear as day over the techno beat and her claim that the class he recalled as boring and metaphysical bullshit held some merit made him wonder if she had gone off to the deep end. Then again, wasn't that what he had thought the first time he had indulged her on one of her proposals of mischief? And Gabriel never regret that decision. So he did what he had always done: He met her eyes with a broad smile and a look that said 'I'm game if you are'. "Tip of the iceberg, huh? So, are you telling my I could summon an entire room full of beautiful, lusty, naked women for us to share if I knew the right magic spell? Or is that one up to science and cloning?"