Captain Marvel smirked as he stood beside his fellow leaguers, looking at the Academy's best and brightest or at least whoever was left. He knew very well that he should probably be among the new blood considering his own age but luckily he had gotten into the world saving game early on and had enough experience now that he was a cut above the common teenage hero. The world's mightiest mortal was pretty awestruck as Superbeast turned into a T-rex, sure he'd seen him transform from time to time but still it was a dinosaur! Extinct for hundreds of thousands of years and here was one right before him! Billy was more then ready to take on Brainiac head on. He knew very well that taking on the mechanical monstrosity one on one was a bad idea but he had the likes of ace detective Batman, Thyma-somthing warrior of the Amazons Wonder Woman and the slightly creepy reformed villain Dr light on his side along with the new blood heroes of course. He couldn't help but smile at the fact that this was his life, sure it was dire circumstances that brought this fish mash of powers and gadgets together but one could not say that this was cooler then a popsicle in the void of space. Not many of the Leaguers really believed that Light had turned over a new leaf but Billy figured he was okay for one major reason: he was still a weirdo as proven by him hitting on the hot alien girl. If Billy was a villain he wouldn't be doing anything to make anyone on the JL upset if he was infiltrating them, he would be the perfect boy scout until he finally decided to strike and take them all out. Capt Marvel was about to waltz over and try to get Light to lay off of Starfire but he was beat to the punch by Kid Flash. Probably wouldn't be the last time with the kid's incredible speed. Billy immediately spun around and began walking in the opposite direction as if nothing happened. It seemed most people were chatting with each other so Billy figured he would try to strike up a conversation with one of his new teammates. He strolled up to Bluebird and put on his Marvelous charm. "Sooo how you liking playing in the big leagues now Blue? Is it all that you dreamed it to be?" Billy asked as he stood beside the heroine on the t-rex and looked at the other heroes. This, of course, was cut short the minute Batman walked up and told the knight to get off the dinosaur.