[center][h1][color=ed145b]Fei[/color][/h1][/center] [color=ed145b]Appearance:[/color] [center][img]http://data.whicdn.com/images/51866320/anime-girls-1425x1082-hd-wallpaper_large.jpg[/img][/center] [color=ed145b]Age:[/color] 18 [color=ed145b]Allegiance: [/color]Imperium [color=ed145b]History (Optional):[/color] Born from one of the most esteemed and powerful women in the Imperium, Fei grew up with expectations few her age had. She embraced the responsibility with pride though and spent all of her energy becoming stronger. Due to her mother’s tight schedule, there was little time to take care of a small child, so Fei was shipped to one of the best boarding schools in Infinitum where she continued her training. Eleonor still makes sure to make the occasional visit to her daughter though. Ever since she was little, Fei admired her mother. It’s what motivates her during training with the school, the reason she fights harder than most. She wants her mother to be proud to call Fei her daughter, wants to be worthy of such a title. As the years have passed, Fei has become so warped in idolizing her mother, she’s lost sight of herself. Fei is currently attending her last year of the Academy. Not a student on campus isn’t aware of her, whether it be her famous heritage or the fact that she can pummel most students to the ground. Thanks to her extensive training from a young age, she’s at the top of the heap at school and isn’t afraid to let anyone know. Focusing on dark red double swords, Fei has made it a priority to study both magic and weaponry. If you can’t find her researching her Tome, you’ll find her sword fighting. [color=ed145b]Personality: [/color] Snobby and Uptight, Fei spends more time arguing with others than she does making friends. Blame it on her heritage, but Fei’s grown up thinking she’s better than other children her age and because of this, has made few friends in her life. However, when she does commit herself to a relationship, she loves fiercely, often coming across as overprotective, and is extremely clingy. Since Fei spends most of her time alone, whether it be training or studying, she’s grown independent and doesn’t mind being by herself. There are few who commit themselves to training as much as Fei does, something that has paid off incredibly. While Fei might be a complete brat, no one can deny her hard work. [color=ed145b]Tome (Color and Abilities)[/color]: [img]http://thumbs2.ebaystatic.com/d/l225/m/m0m-JtBzG9pzERn9-fwe6FQ.jpg[/img] Fei’s Tome is a miniature, red, wooden box that is connected to a long silver chain, usually tied around her neck. Unlike the picture, the box is locked and glows red whenever she uses her magic. The main function of Fei’s Tome is the ability to absorb heat and fire properties and channel them against her enemies. For example, if Fei finds a fire source and touches it, she is able to let fire consume her entire body and unleash it. Should she come in contact with heat, she is able to absorb that to produce heat in a certain area or on a certain object. Fei is able to store both energies but it will eventually run out either after she uses it or in about a week’s time. Fei’s Tome also enables her to control people’s emotions and cause them to grow angsty and upset. One with a strong and persistent mind is able to withstand this, only if they are aware of when Fei is doing it. [color=ed145b][color=ed145b]Other:[/color][/color] [img]http://vignette3.wikia.nocookie.net/finalfantasy/images/f/f1/FFXI_Great_Sword_4E.png/revision/latest?cb=20120712141505[/img] Fia has two fighting swords, both identical to each other that she uses during battle. [hider=Armor][img]http://i.stack.imgur.com/1Kpbw.png[/img][/hider]