[center][img]http://fontmeme.com/embed.php?text=Ms.Stern&name=Magnolia%20Light.ttf&size=100&style_color=F7FF00[/img][/center] [center][img]http://orig14.deviantart.net/830c/f/2011/205/7/8/office_lady_by_meganerid-d41i0cg.jpg[/img][/center] [color=fff200]Gender:[/color] Female [color=fff200]Age:[/color] 37 [color=fff200]Likes:[/color] Order, perfection, Clothes [color=fff200]Dislikes:[/color] Misbehaved students, Chaos, Messes [color=fff200]Biggest Fear:[/color] Ms.Stern is terrified of losing someone she loves once again. [color=fff200]Weapon:[/color] Rifle/Spear [hider=Rifle][img]http://static.giantbomb.com/uploads/original/1/15188/413013-falcon_den.gif[/img][/hider] [hider=Together(Kind Of)][img]http://www.gundamplanet.com/media/catalog/product/cache/1/image/370x/d1e45073b049284d4096233a1fa94db5/m/s/msg-weapon-unit-mw009-long-handled-sword-sniper-rifle-01.jpg[/img][/hider] The rifle will look more like the individual picture but the spear is what the picture combined would look like. Essentially, the spear will be hidden and compacted within the barrel of the rifle. When transformed into a spear, it’s pretty heavy from the extra part of the gun but due to her experience, Ms.Stern can use the spear with ease. The rifle aspect of the weapon is able to shoot a variety of bullets that can fire with a poisonous spray of Auren, a pure,solid Auren bullet (but these are very rare and Ms.Stern only has a few she keeps for extreme measures), as well as regular bullets. [color=fff200]Skills:[/color] [u]Angel Expert[/u] Due to Ms.Stern’s spending 6 years studying Angel, there are very few people who know more about Angels than her. If anyone has a question regarding them, Ms.Stern would be the one to talk to [u]Excellent Aim[/u] Ms.Stern has gained exceptional aim over the years of her training with her rifle, her favored weapon over the spear. It’s rumored that she can even fire over 2,000 yards, although this was during her younger days. [color=fff200]Personality: [/color] To the students of Freymont Academy, Ms.Stern is a wicked hag who craves for nothing but punishing and torturing students. Order must be maintained and it’s Ms.Stern’s job to ensure that it is. While harsh, Ms.Stern is fair in the sense that she only gives students what they deserve. Anyone who dares misbehaves or shows signs of disrespect, in Ms.Stern’s eyes, deserves punishment. No matter if she favors a student, order will and must be obeyed. Despite her strictness, Ms.Stern genuinely cares for her students and should any alarming harm come to them, she won’t hesitate to protect them. There is a heart deep down within her, although very few people have seen this side of her, as she likes to keep things ‘professional’. Ms.Stern has a rather strange affinity toward fashion and owns a large collection of all the latest styles within her room. Of course, you won’t find Ms.Stern parading around the school in them. No, she mainly keeps them around to try on when she’s stressed or upset, often giving herself a fashion show. During work, you’ll always find her dressed in the most professional and conservative brand. [color=fff200]Biography:[/color] Ms.Stern’s story started off as any ordinary life and her childhood was full of giggles and fun memories she’ll keep with her forever. All things must come to an end, as they say though. For at age 10, Ms.Stern’s parents passed away in a simple car accident. It had been the other driver who caused it, a Proticans they called him. Apparently something had caught his eye in the road and left him vulnerable to the road. No heroic death, no murder, just a stupid mistake that took her parents away. After mourning, Ms.Stern was brought to her uncle’s house. It was here she finally learned about Angels. Kyle, her uncle, was obsessed with them and had an entire collection of books dedicated to the topic. It was only a matter of time before the little Ms.Stern came across them herself. Instead of watching movies and eating popcorn for fun, they’d research and get lost within the vast library of his collection. Together, they became experts over the high beings. Kyle was drafted into the nation’s military 6 years later, leaving Ms.Stern all by herself once again. Rather than be shipped off to the nearest relative, Ms.Stern chose to join an Academy and train against the Angels she spent years memorizing facts about. Ms.Stern graduated at the top of her class, in both academics and athletic ability, but becoming a Protican was something she quickly found wasn’t for her. Strangely enough, she took an interest in teaching others about the dangerous beings and easily became one of the best. With talents in both facts and fighting, it wasn’t long before Professor Hilfox approached her to be apart of his new academy. (Ms.Stern’s uncle mysteriously went missing during Ms.Stern’s training at an Academy and even today, officials are unsure as to what happened to him. No body was ever found.)