RP: Freymont Academy [hider=Hero Katsaros][color=gray][center][url=http://fontmeme.com/calligraphy-fonts/][img]http://fontmeme.com/embed.php?text=Hero%20Katsaros&name=Feathergraphy2.ttf&size=60&style_color=D283DE[/img][/url] [img]http://i.picresize.com/images/2015/12/26/SNqa2.jpg[/img] [url=http://fontmeme.com/calligraphy-fonts/][img]http://fontmeme.com/embed.php?text=%22I%27m%20not%20scared%20of%20lambs%2C%20only%20lions.%22&name=Respective.ttf&size=40&style_color=D9AECB[/img][/url][/center] [color=palevioletred]Name:[/color] [indent]Hero Katsaros[/indent] [color=palevioletred]Gender:[/color] [indent]Female[/indent] [color=palevioletred]Age:[/color] [indent]Eighteen[/indent] [color=palevioletred]Year:[/color] [indent]First Year – eight months[/indent] [hr] [center][img]http://images6.fanpop.com/image/photos/37000000/Clarke-Griffin-the-100-tv-show-37087096-245-267.gif[/img] [i][color=rosybrown]"Do not mistake me for a coward like [b]you[/b]."[/color][/i][/center] [hr] [color=palevioletred]Likes:[/color] [indent][list][*]Rain [*]Swimming [*]Insects (especially bees and preying mantises) [*]Organization [*]Tea [*]Gambling [*]Studying [*]Rules [*]Colors: Pink and Grey [*]Oranges [*]Light perfume [*]Berries [*]Pottery [*]Music [*]Mushrooms [*]Animal impressions[/list][/indent] [color=palevioletred]Dislikes:[/color] [indent][list][*]Sleeping with doors open [*]Food touching other food [*]Colors: Green and White [*]Fresh juice [*]Loud environment [*]Overcooked meat [*]Onions and peppers [*]Hiccups [*]Sand and dirt between toes [*]Invasion of space[/list][/indent] [color=palevioletred]Biggest Fear:[/color] [indent][color=rosybrown]On a physical level:[/color][/indent] [indent][indent]Fire[/indent][/indent] [indent][color=rosybrown]On an emotional level:[/color][/indent] [indent][indent]Dying from illness[/indent][/indent] [hr] [center][img]https://media.giphy.com/media/QNi37jhMdJnHi/giphy.gif[/img] [i][color=rosybrown]"Is that an oversized bird? Oh, no, my mistake. It's an angel."[/color][/i][/center] [hr] [hider=Weapon][color=palevioletred]Weapon:[/color] [indent][url=http://fontmeme.com/grunge-fonts/][img]http://fontmeme.com/embed.php?text=Mjolnir&name=UNDECAPPEDvinyl.ttf&size=30&style_color=E378CA[/img][/url] [img]http://i.picresize.com/images/2015/12/26/mQv6K.jpg[/img] [img]http://i.picresize.com/images/2015/12/26/5vE4P.jpg[/img][/indent] [indent][indent]Mjolnir is the combination of a war hammer and a three-section staff. While Mjolnir has the head of a war hammer, the staff connected to it has the ability to become disjointed when pulled apart and snapped, separating into three pieces. This allows Mjolnir to have flexibility when Hero needs it to, throwing in martial arts and catching the enemy off guard. Mjolnir is, nonetheless, able to stay rigid when Hero uses it as a war hammer, throwing her might into it and striking her enemies. The length of Mjolnir is four feet and a half, only a foot smaller than Hero herself. The ridged spikes on the hammer head are covered in auren as well as the long, extended spike on the opposite side of the hammer head.[/indent][/indent][/hider] [color=palevioletred]Initiation:[/color] [indent]During Initiation, when Hero stepped into swampy water, her heart dropped. However, it wasn’t until the crocodile grabbed onto her leg and dragged her to the depths of the makeshift swamp that she worried. The crocodile’s teeth pierced her leg muscles, tearing her flesh, and the dirty swamp water stung her eyes, making it hard for her to see. The crocodile began to roll, Hero’s head smashed against a rock one time before she managed to tear her leg from the crocodile’s grip, rendering her leg incapacitated. Before the animal could strike back, however, Hero wrestled with the creature, wrapping her arms around his snout and dragging it backwards until she heard the snapping of its spine. The animal hung limp in her arms and Hero swam to the surface, gasping for air, her leg useless until the medics retrieved her.[/indent] [color=palevioletred]Skills:[/color] [indent]Hero is flexible and strong, able to twist her body accordingly and slam her body weight into the throws of her hammer. However, only her shoulders are strong and her legs are particularly weak. She favors her left leg as the Initiation has left a permanent handicap in which her left leg is not as strong as it should be, and probably will never be. It is her weak spot and if targeted, she will most likely go down. Despite having fast reflexes and fighting know-how, Hero’s movements are completely readable and predictable because of the energy spent throwing her body into her attacks. The blonde tires quickly and she always aims for the kill, but it would be relatively easy for an opponent to outlast her. Hero possesses survival knowledge due to a fascination with nature as well as her studying habit.[/indent] [hr] [center][img]http://www.thedailyquirk.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/08/clarke.gif[/img] [i][color=rosybrown]"I am [b]not[/b] scared of them. I am a lion, [b]not[/b] a lamb."[/color][/i][/center] [hr] [color=palevioletred]Personality:[/color] [indent]Hero was a natural born hunter, displaying predatory tendencies since she was a child. Like a lion, she is possessive and prone to outbursts of anger when her boundaries are pushed. However, like a tiger, she displays a cold intelligence that understands that sacrifice must be made. Hero has trouble making emotional connections, though she is not entirely sociopathic, but rather sees emotions as a liability and burden than a redeeming nature. As such, she has no need for lightly treading and empathy – Hero is blunt and caustic, saying what is on her mind and how she feels without a care for who she hurts. Though she acts mainly on logic and reason, always calculating every step or move and how it will affect her surroundings, Hero is not unlikely to act impulsively if her ire is provoked. Therefore, her hot-headed nature is her weakness to enemies and a point to strike if they want her distracted. Despite all her misgivings, the worst of all her traits is her arrogance – though, sometimes, it is not wrongly placed. Hero does not believe she is the best, as she knows that is not true, but she will look down on her enemies and fellow classmates with a cynicism if she believes she is stronger than them. Furthermore, those that wrong her will never get a second chance in her life as Hero is unforgiving and ruthless once she turns her back on someone, rage and betrayal blinding her. But Hero is not without her good points, either. Hero is a studious young woman who dapples in survival knowledge and relies heavily on book learning to support her training. She is intelligent and realistic, able to calibrate her situation carefully and mostly accurately, unless she is distracted by anger. When Hero says she will do something, though, she will do it as there is more stubbornness in her than a herd of bulls. Hero hates the idea of losing, even if it means losing to her, or anyone else’s, expectations, and therefore is determined and stubborn to do her best in everything she does. Conversely to her character, Hero can be very childlike as well. She enjoys sweet things, like children, and has no self control when it comes to instant gratification – she would rather have something now than wait for it later. She often lashes out like a child, wanting to hurt those that hurt her. And, well, she can be rather innocent when it comes to [i]relations[/i] and displays a naivety that many her age do not have. Likewise, she tends to answer all opposition with violence rather than diplomacy.[/indent] [color=palevioletred]Biography:[/color] [indent]Fear causes people to do strange things: Hero understood this at a young age. Born to a blacksmith and a Protican, Hero was the third child to the young Katsaros couple. Well, if you could call the two before her children – rather, they never were able to experience childhood like Hero was able to. Hero’s mother, Edda Katsaros, was a skilled Protican with an unparalleled hatred for Angels. Edda was a woman much like Hero, a stubborn hot-head who threw everything she had when angered; however, she oft threw too much of what she did not have and it cost her fertility. After taking too many blows to the abdomen, her passion for fighting the angels made it hard for Edda to conceive: the first child, Grimhuld, was a miscarriage; the second child, Ander, was a stillborn. If she had been born in a different time, a different place, Hero might have been called a miracle. Edda Katsaros had been scarred after losing her second child and a terror grew in her heart. Edda became paranoid and delirious, believing that everyone was an angel coming to take away her daughter. Eventually, Hero’s father couldn’t take it anymore and left his wife, hoping that living away from him would help her heal. However, he was unable to take Hero with him as Edda held onto her with an iron grip. Edda became even more convinced that angels were targeting her, even believing that her ex-husband was an angel himself. Afraid that harm would come to her baby, Edda trained Hero since she was five to fight, and would expose her daughter to horrid tales – some were made up and some were true – in order to instill a fear in her daughter. She hoped that this fear would keep Hero alive. It did the opposite; Hero would freeze up when fighting and so Edda tried a new plan, teaching Hero a mantra for whenever she got scared: “I'm not scared of lambs, only lions.” When Hero was afraid, Edda taught her to repeat it over and over again. Growing up, because of her mother’s paranoia, Hero often never hung out with other people, but instead spent her time training. She never resented her mother for working her hard, but instead saw it as a welcome leisure and grew to love training and studying. However, being cooped up with limited social interaction stunted Hero’s communal growth and thus has a hard time coping with others, often reacting with violence as that was the only thing she really knew. Every now and then, Edda would allow Hero to see her father, but only under intense supervision, much to his frustration. Edda still saw him as an angel there to take away her baby. When the time came, Edda relished in sending Hero to Freymont Academy, believing that there she would be safe from angels. [/indent] [hr] [center][img]http://38.media.tumblr.com/70869427192885f548253a281cbd9a7e/tumblr_nkpy4kcLa81ruu897o3_500.gif[/img] [i][color=rosybrown]"They're lions, mom...and I'm terrified."[/color][/i][/center] [hr][/color][/hider]