"Utter annihilation, Devastation of body, mind and soul. My true form is part demon, part dragon, all rage, you know those kids who torture puppies for fun? He's kinda like that except without getting distracted and enough power to turn a city to ashes." he sighed and looked at his hand. "Only real upside is he only comes out when I'm about to be knocked out or killed. but he dose not distinguish between friend and foe, only those in his way and those not." He looked at Zandrea and put a hand on her shoulder. "I do not wish to see either of you in danger either, and that is why I ask this. I don't doubt that if you had the choice you'd try and help me from doing anything I'd regret and that is why I ask you to stay back. I think what I'd regret the most is ever injuring one of you." he glanced at Leilah, "You see, The reason I ask you to at-least stay back is the fact I don't want my other form to set his sights on you." he shook his head "Enough on such a dark topic. what sort of lives did you live outside of school?" he asked brightening up a little.