Lyn was fairly confident for her next battle, until she stepped into the arena and saw just how large he was. She grimaced. Sir Vancel was a foot taller than her and twice as wide, so she would have to rely on speed and accuracy. If she had to go on the defensive, she’d be toast. There was no way her strength could hold back his sword—unless she got just the right amount of leverage. The crier barked the commencement, and immediately, Sir Vancel lunged at Lyn, trying to throw her off guard. Lyn narrowed her eyes and kept her feet moving, and she danced away from his first swing, quickly thrusting her sword towards his knees. She only managed to tap Vancel’s armor, and the reach of his arm was longer than she thought. Right as she jumped away, he used the side of his body to bash into Lyn and knock her back. Lyn stayed on her feet, but she tasted blood on her lip and instant soreness along her ribs, where Vancel had thrown his weight against her. She managed to stay calm, and feinted an upward strike, instead hitting Vancel in the back of one knee. He staggered for a moment, and Lyn took her chance to deliver a series of clanging blows. Vancel blocked a good many of them, though. It came to a point where their sword hilts were locked, and the crowd watched with bated breath as Vancel forced his weight against Lyn until her knees began to buckle. She gritted her teeth and held her own for as long as she could, and then did the unexpected, stepping swiftly underneath their locked swords as she moved her arms in a sharp circular motion. In an instant, Vancel’s sword was flung from his grasp and flew a good few paces away. He’d had all of his weight bearing forward upon Lyn, so he stumbled forward, and Lyn darted around him, using a well-aimed kick to finish bringing him all the way down. She stood over him, sword pointed at his throat, and the trumpets announced her second victory.