[b][color=6ecff6]1[/color][/b] "Don't forget soups. And Dee needs more wet food. She's got plenty of crunchies. And we need beer." The young man exhaled shortly in amusement and switched the communicator to his other hand. He carefully skirted around the corner before a late-night drunkard collided with him. ”[color=00a651]I’ll get what I can carry, all right?[/color]" he said, approaching the small grocery store in the dark corner of a small alleyway in the busy sky-port section of Renescentia. "You shoulda brought the Sky-Board. Put stuff on it and -" "[color=00a651]I'll see you in a bit[/color]."  He quickly ended the call and slid the communicator back into the pouch at his waist. He took a deep breath and exhaled slowly. "[color=00a651]That man talks way too much[/color]," he murmured as he rapped on the door loudly. Within a moment, the middle-aged owner was at the door and unlatching it. "Tal! Buddy, you're back in town!" the man exclaimed, pulling the young man into a quick embrace. The owner looked at the digital display behind the counter. "A few minutes earlier than last time, eh? You were here quarter to two the other... How long's it been?" Tal chuckled as he stepped into the store. "[color=00a651]It's been about three months since I was last in Renescentia, Owen[/color]," he answered, paying a [i]tayl[/i] to rent a shopping cart. Owen walked around the counter and leaned on it. "How's work? Still staying right side of the law, I hope?" Tal nodded while he selected a large package of canned cat food. "[color=00a651]Mostly[/color]," he replied, moving onto canned soups. Since none of the shelves were much higher than his shoulders, it was easy enough to maintain eye contact with the owner while he shopped, though he had to raise his voice in order for the man to hear him. "Any military favors?" "[color=00a651]A few - Ah...[/color]" Tal stopped talking when he came upon a young man, sitting dejectedly on a step-stool near the back of the store, staring dismally at the row of sugar packages he had just finished arranging on the low shelves. "[color=00a651]Ah... Mm...[/color]" Tal scooted around him and continued shopping. "[color=00a651]A few calls here and there. Mostly just checking in and what not.[/color]" "Your ship still airborne or has it become a rust bucket?" Owen fiddled with the register and tidied up the counter while he waited. Tal made his way back to the front and stopped at the counter. He began unloading his cart. "[color=00a651]She's flying fine. Needs a few parts to keep her from rumbling too loudly, but I'll have to get those in Galeton. This place is too expensive. Hey, uh... Owen?[/color]" Owen began tallying the items and calculating the final cost. "What's on your mind?" "[color=00a651]Who's the guy over in the corner? I didn't know you were hiring new workers?[/color]" Owen glanced over where the silent young man's head bobbed up and down. "Technically I'm not. But the guy was wandering the shops looking for work. He seemed desperate enough for anything so I had him come back to work the graveyard for me." Tal fiddled with his credit card.  "[color=00a651]How is he?[/color]" "As a worker? Most dedicated son of a bitch I've ever met. He's unloaded more'n half the truck by now and he's only been here three days. I like him, but I can't keep him beyond the week. Sounds like he needs steady work, though. I feel bad." Owen waggled his fingers at Tal for payment. "[color=00a651]He here with family?[/color]" Tal handed over his card. Owen took the credit card and slid it through the machine. "Don't know about that. I think he's here with one other person at least. Why you asking?" Tal chewed his bottom lip while he thought. "[color=00a651]We upgraded Sparrow with a few new rooms, more storage... Might not be a bad deal to have a few extra hands. Could allow us to take on larger work orders. Would you mind, if I... Uh...?[/color]" He gestured in the young man's direction. Owen raised both hands. "If he wants to go, I don't mind. Why don't you go ask him while I pack your items. Metal or cardboard?" Tal nodded, "[color=00a651]Cardboard, please. Dee loves the stuff,[/color]" and made his back over to the corner of the shop where the young man was, once again, staring at a newly opened box of baking products with disinterest.  He crouched down and raised his cap in greeting. "[color=00a651]Evening. Owner says you're looking for work and I might be hiring. Ever been on an airship before?[/color]"