[center]New York City, 6:00[/center] [i]"Stop Him!"[/i] [i]"Stop the thief![/i] Horizon descending own the buildings of the wonderous place of New York City; the warmth of the falling sun descending downward onto the men and women that were being pushed away. Complaints rang through the air as the several persons of normal business life were pushed aside, cars stopping and honking their horns as the exhaustion gas blew outward with the wheels screeching against the yellow paint lines. The wallets and purses in the figure's hand were dropped, bullets flying outward, zooming past his head. The trenchcoat wavered outward and fell onto the ground, as his body spun and into the confines of the darkest ally. "You can't run from a bulle--" The armed man stopped, dead in his tracks. The alley way was empty, and the dead end of the long outside corridor had no turns left or right of its sides. The expansion of his confusement had spread out in his babbling.. How could he disappear? The question was answered, with a straight forward and unknown punch into the nose, sending him backwards with the blood-curdling scream of surprisement spreading out from his throat. One to the jaw, and to the stomach. He stared into the space of darkness, bewildered. Finally, with one more punch, unbeknownst to him, he had fallen victim to an Extraordinary Man. Night fell as swift as the wailing sirens in the city, the shadows overwhelming the blood that dripped upon the ground.. leaving his body hidden within the shadows. [IMG]http://i1132.photobucket.com/albums/m571/ecargwilliams/alcatraz-prison-picture_zpsd25bd5b4.jpg[/IMG] "Hey, Jimmy?" "What?" "When are we gonna bust out of here?" "Soon." The tall persons of high-authority walked and bounced down the long corridor of blood-curdling screams. "Light's Out!" Was screamed several times, minutes ago by the guards. But of course, noone listened. No one but Jimmy. He lays in the shadows with his legs crossed, knees pointing outward as his hands lay in his lap. The lights in his room flickering and soon closing out, darkness took over the land within seconds, the spiders crawling out with the bunnies of dust that had to spread through the room. Jimmy calculated his options as he meditated upon his stiff bed. [i]"The guards change shifts when the sun sets, and by then the prisoners will start their riot of curses upon the guards. Afterward, within thirty minutes exactly.."[/i] With the hours of meditation done.. he opened his eyes to wait silently and solemnly with patience on his side.. time snickered and wavered behind him. The moon annoyingly waved its light through Jimmy's barred window.. this imprisonment slightly annoyed him. But, why? Easily, within a thought. He could leave this place.. he could be back to his home; [i]New York.[/i] Oh how he missed it, the cursing men and woman showing their ignorance every single day upon the streets, the torn up cars and the pimp drug dealers. All he did was watch the curse of the Earth unfold, he watched [i]Man[/i] destroy itself. Luckily for him, he DID never age. This was the second thing he enjoyed about being on the Earth, being able to travel the world without a single wrinkle. A bullet wound to the chest unfolded and curled away, brushed off like a brute. But, he did choose his brain over his barely-inhumane strength. After hours of thoughts ringing through his head, a slight grin had to spread out. The sun grinned outward arrogantly as the ball of fire in the caelum lustrously blasted its cancerous rays of beautified yet blinding light through the barred windows. Steam suddenly arose from the digits of his right hand as the sun lays its power upon his right arm. With a smile, he opened his eyes completely to reveal the watery reflection of vertigo flames from the sun. Illusions were cast outward to the oncoming prisoners with their riot of blasted insults, letting the flames, unbeknownst to them, unreal, burn in their imprisonments. .. A light chuckle emitted from the figure who stood tall with the bowl of honey-brown hair covering his ruby red opticals, the grin showing his newfound devilish side. The ground in the prison shook compellingly, unfolding the lock of the gate and sending the bars out, bending and shooting themselves through the chests of many terrorized prisoners. He stepped outward with his chained hands behind his head.. watching the guards come towards him with the plastic batons. The smile turned into a frown, soon, he thought it was time to get down to business.. [I]"You will put down your batons.[/i] [I]"And you will remove your gun.. and put it to your temple."[/i] With an unconcerned look, he watched the unfortunate events unfold. And with a sigh, he spoke his last words onto the two overweight guards. [i]"Pull the trigger."[/i] The gunshots rang outward along with the matching blood sending a devistating "SPLAT!" onto the prison walls. From there on, he stepped forward to his freedom. [IMG]http://i1132.photobucket.com/albums/m571/ecargwilliams/glen-cove-mansion-hotel-facade_zpsd820e6c3.jpg[/IMG] [i]Let me give you what you've been waiting for Baby, I got so much love to give And I wanna give it all to you.[/i] The music played, as the leg crossed over the other. The glass of wine jingling about in the coated figure's right hand who stood in the darkness, staring at the figure in the orange jumpsuit. "It's time."