[B]Old Gotham 9:34 PM[/B] Cruising behind Toots for a few minutes wasn't too bad. It was kind of awkward because I have a distinctively bright red & yellow paint job. But fortunately I was hidden from view by a sea of cars between me and the mobsters. I had to close the distance promptly though, if many more cars slip between me and Toots, I'd never make my deadline. From within my helmet, my commlink chirped to life, "Thirty seconds, Dick, We only have one shot at this. Make your move quickly and don't hesitate." No pressure, right? Then I saw exactly where we were: Only thirty yards away from the designated point. I wasn't sure how to time it right to get the closest I could to-- "Aw, screw it!" I shouted as I twisted the accelerator, throwing the bike into action. I'd had to immediately weave between car after car, forcibly switching lanes to avoid hitting bystanders who'd been crossing over. Then I hit a convenient spot where everyone was tightly packed together and going straight. Taking advantage of the opportunity, I maniacally accelerated, nearing a hundred miles per hour while still balancing between lanes. A little bit sooner than I'd expected, I came up on Toots' car, which was quite ahead of the pack of traffic jams waiting to happen, so I impulsively threw down a handful of tacks onto on the road below them, before charging away. "Executed," I announced to Bruce.