(Yes, I'm playing three (STILL COUNTS DAMMIT) characters, it just kinda happened that way) [hider=Belgrave Tarly] [center][h1][i][color=007236]"House Tyrell didn't give us anything but our well-being, House Tarly would have given you war and dragonflame."[/color][/i][/h1][/center] [hider=Belgrave's face][url=http://postimg.org/image/u54s8eamp/][img]http://s32.postimg.org/u54s8eamp/Tarly.jpg[/img][/url][/hider] Age: 49 Heir: Falwell "Flowerborn" Tarly Personality: Belgrave is ruthless, it seems to be his only character trait in the minds of the common folk, who fear and hate his men, though Belgrave is respected amongst highborn lordlings and those of higher status to him. Belgrave's ruthlessness is overstated, he is ruthlessly pragmatic and self-serving, doing all it takes to improve the standing of his lord or himself. To those who know him, Belgrave is stern but soft, an overbearing father, but a good trainer and doting when it comes to his daughters. He is kind when happy and quick to punish when not, but due to his age he often treats other younger lords the same as his sons. He cares little for diplomacy, but he understands subtext in words and is good at reading subtle cues, just don't expect him to keep a secret. He is quiet and stoic, but when riled, he is foul-mouthed and blunt, never mincing words. His fatal flaw is underconfidence, often not acting due to an imagined inferiority in his plots and tactics, remaining taciturn when he has an idea which could change a war. This passed on to his first son, leading to his death at King's Landing. As a result of the death of his firstborn, Belgrave is much more protective of his children than ever, recalling his widowed daughter and her family to his care. He seeks revenge on the Crakehall family for the death of Torwin. Belgrave married a northern woman, and her influence can be seen in his firstborn's name and his stoic demeanor, much more pronounced after her marriage to him. He was never a fan of his wife, sleeping around and legitimizing his bastard Falwell, making him heir above her trueborn daughter. Biography: Belgrave Tarly was born the second son of his father Horas, raised to be the more martial of Horas' two sons, trained heavily with bow and horse, becoming famed at a grand tourney for entering the archery competition and taking the winner's purse at the young age of fifteen. Belgrave was raised little by his father outside martial matters, and his mother died when he was young, so Belgrave spent his time wandering his father's lands, seeing the Master-of-horse as his father more than his actual father. This Master-of-horse was later raised to nobility by Belgrave and given a small dock outside Horn Hill, named Willit Dox and given a lobster as his sigil. Belgrave's brother Pylos was raised as a leader, though only succeeded at managing to be a good administrator, lacking the respect of his vassals and being slain in a coup. Belgrave managed to kill the leader, Ser Hugh Hunt, in battle, hanging the rest of the captured men and refusing to pardon the others, who had turned to banditry. After a time of serving as lord with little distinction other than his wealth from his earlier tourney wins, he joined Lord Tyrell's household as the Master-at-arms, tutoring Lord Garland in swordsmanship, though he quickly grew tired of intriguing and returned home. Belgrave slowly stopped leaving the castle, even for hunts, his preferred pastime, acting through his son Torwin, who served at King's Landing, and was slain by a skilled spearman. Belgrave has recalled his daughter and her children by Lord Redwyne, leaving the man himself alone, and has sworn bloody vengeance against the Crakehalls, leaving his castle finally to rejoin his lord's service. [hider=Falwell The Flowerborn] [h3][center][color=598527]"Words are for fools who lack the will to fight, it is known."[/color][/center][/h3] [center][img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/12/03/e0/1203e0ed8c463dcd8293f8d39deed026.jpg[/img][/center] Age: 17 Religion: Faith of the Seven (non-practicing) Personality: Horn Hill has a fair share of bastards roaming it's halls, some bitter and some accepting, many have done horrid acts during wartime, or done songworthy feats in peacetime. And yet, all that they talk about is the quiet and foreboding Falwell Tarly, born Flowers. At a very tall six foot five, Falwell's cold visage towers over even his own father, despite his size, it is stated that Falwell could sneak into any young maiden's room and impregnate her without any in her home awaking, so silent is he. At the young age of seven-and-ten, Falwell is already a father, already a killer, and already a rapist. Falwell never smiles, he lumbers silently from place to place, and his voice is without any emotion, he only shows interest in fighting, though seemingly out of self-preservation and not any enjoyment, and raping, which he does hysterically and with reckless abandon. The young heir is already hated amongst the smallfolk for his misdeeds, though highborn nobles respect his courtly and polite demeanor when speaking with them. In private, Falwell is an insecure and emotionally-ravaged young man, numb to his own actions and unfeeling, he fears himself and his inability to truly emote, seeing himself as not but a stone carving of a man. He continues to do worse and worse acts in an attempt to feel sadness or sympathy for those he murders and tortures, instead he only feels worse about himself, and is teetering dangerously close to crossing the threshold into being willing to take his own life. The truth is, few would miss him. Biography: Falwell Flowers was born to a Dornish wetnurse who had been captured in one of Belgrave's southern raids. His father acknowledged his birth, but left him to his own devices, leaving Falwell's mother in the dungeons over one particularly harsh winter, sending the babe and a sworn shield from the Hunt family to one of the settlements deep in the Rosewood. The winter lasted two years, and by the end, Falwell's mother had starved to death, and the village the young Falwell had been sent to had been left all but barren, he and his sworn shield surviving by hunting wild elk in the Rosewood and boiling snow to drink as water. The end of winter brought folks to return to their hovels in the wood and leave Horn Hill's large castle town. Falwell and his sworn man remained in the wood, not leaving for months and months, never even being seen. Belgrave Tarly however, knew that his bastard was alive despite all evidence to the contrary, the sword sword sending him letter after letter about the development of his child, and upon Torwin's death, Lord Belgrave woefully legitimized this unknown bastard, bringing him to Horn Hill to serve as heir. Many would have preferred he hadn't. [/hider][/hider]