Lyn was thoroughly exhausted, but she waited in her tent to receive the prize for winning the tourney. She wasn’t surprised to see a manservant walk through the tent flaps, rather than the prince himself. He was probably busy feasting on pheasant and red wines. “I am Javert, personal manservant to Prince Aidan,” the man announced, holding forward a bulging purse. “Your winnings, Sir Lyn. 5,000 florins.” Lyn accepted it graciously, wincing as she lifted her arm to take hold of the back. To his credit, Javert only seemed mildly surprised that she was a girl. Javert glanced back towards the tent’s entrance, and came a step closer. “Sir Lyn, as the indisputable victor of today’s tourney, Prince Aidan believes that you have shown yourself to be highly capable, and wishes to extend you an offer for an additional opportunity to serve the crown.” Lyn raised her eyebrows. “What sort of opportunity?” “The sort that will pay another 10,000 florins.” Lyn’s breath caught in her throat. She had to remind herself to keep breathing. 5,000 florins was a good start, but 10,000 would keep her comfortable for a while as she traveled, and she could purchase the new gear she desperately needed. “I’m listening.” “Prince Aidan requires an escort to journey with him to Lyonsvarg for a matter that is both delicate and of great importance. As you know, the road to Lyonsvarg is not a short one; but the prince’s safe passage there and back again is much needed, and you would be honored not only in your monetary reward, but also by knowing that your assistance helped to ensure the safety of all Leincrad.” Lyn carefully considered every word. It sounded like this was truly an important undertaking. But sending the Crown Prince all the way to Lyonsvarg with no more than a single, young, unknown bodyguard? It didn’t exactly make sense; not to mention that the last thing she wanted to do on her first day out of Leincrad was to babysit a royal pain. But, 10,000 florins was 10,000 florins… “I’ll do it,” she said firmly. “Just let me know when we’ll be departing, and I’ll be at the palace. I’m not going to the celebratory feast, though; I’d rather get my rest. Hopefully His Highness understands my reasons for not celebrating tonight.”