[color=00a651] The Archons. A race of people who embodied the powers of various elements throughout the multiverse. They were an ancient people born before even time itself began to flow. They molded and created the entirety of the multiverse, creating new life and new worlds. When their work was completed, they surrendered their powers to the strongest of the elements and took on physical forms so that they could inhabit the worlds with sentient life. Each Archon took on a form of their choosing and so began the various races and species of sentient life. The most powerful Archons of each element inherited the powers of the masses, making them stronger than ever before. But with this power came the responsibility to protect the multiverse from itself and those that reside within it. The new Archons ruled for centuries. They watched races fail and die off. They watched wars and battles rage within universes, but nothing was on a large enough scale to merit their attention. After centuries of this peace, the Archons, once considered gods among mortals, were all but forgotten. Their legacy diminished and their names were only spoken in old wives’ tales. A meeting was held between The Great Beings to determine the future of their influence over the multiverse. In a unanimous decision, the choice was made to solidify their power outside of themselves in the form of crystals then settle in the mortal world until their power was needed again. The only Archon that retained power was the Archon of death, Thanatos. It was agreed upon that he would keep watch over the multiverse and call upon the others if they were ever needed. Thanatos watched as the other Archons lived and loved as mortals, building relationships and having children. Over time he grew to hate the others for leaving him alone. He began to crave the attention of others and it slowly drove him mad. One by one he hunted down each of his brothers and sisters, slaughtering them and their spouses, only to leave their children alive. “You shall know the loneliness that I have known. And one day when the multiverse praises me as a god, you shall rise next to me as a part of the next pantheon,” he told each child after the death of their parents. As the children grew they never forgot about the deaths of their parents, but the circumstances of their deaths faded and many of the children forgot about Thanatos’s promise. Only one remembered, and that was the son of the Archon of light. The boy swore vengeance for his father and trained most of his life to avenge his dead father. He went as far as to assemble the other offspring of the Archons to aid him in his revenge, but in the end they failed and were slain by the powerful Archon of death. The Archon of Time was able to resurrect them three times before they were finally slain. The power of each Archon retreated back into a physical form that resembled a crystal, and, with the last of their power, the crystals slipped into the multiverse, scattering from each other to keep their power hidden from Thanatos. Only the Archon of Light did not escape in this way. He held off Thanatos long enough for the others to make the jump before his power was absorbed by Thanatos. With Thanatos more powerful than ever, holding the power over light and death, and the other Archons nearly drained of power, the universe fell into a dark age where the name of Thanatos was known by all. 1000 years later, the other Archons had recovered enough of their strength to search for new hosts and attempt another resistance against the tyrant god of the multiverse. Thanatos has had all of history to develop his power over death and 1000 years to master this new control of light. Thanatos, in his radiant glory with both Archon powers combined, is truly worthy of his nickname: The Angel of Death. [/color] [center][hider=Need to know about the Archons] Each Archon has a spirit that guides them and helps them learn how to control their abilities. The spirits manifest when an Archon’s power is awoken and help guide the Archons together for their training. [color=a2d39c]Air: Sagittarius The Watcher[/color] [color=fff200]Time: Corvus The Tactician[/color] [color=9e0b0f]Fire: Perseus The Valiant[/color] [color=00aeef]Water: Andromeda The Siren[/color] [color=007236]Earth: Eridanus The Quick[/color] [color=662d91]Gravity: Lupus The Patient[/color] [color=a36209]Stone: Draco The Strong[/color] Also, when an Archon claims his power by taking up an Archon crystal, the crystal will take the form of a weapon that most suits its wielder, and will remain that way whenever it is summoned by the Archon [/hider][/center] [center][hider=Character Sheet Template] Name: Age: Archon of: Archon weapon: Appearance: Personality: Bio: Special gear or equipment: Please be sure to post your CS in the OOC first and get it approved before moving it into the Characters tab [/hider][/center] [center][hider=Taken Positions] Air- [@Chaoticmickey] Aella Time- [@Skai] Haven Fire- [@Jersh] Brynn "Breaker" Irons Water- [@Kaalee] Talay-a Gunosh Earth- [@BreakingMe] Maddison Tyler Ford Gravity- [@Mirrodin] Ian Marcus Stone- [color=00a651]Open[/color] [/hider][/center] [center][hider=Chapters] [color=662d91]1. The Gathering of the Archons[/color] -A) the discovery of their powers -B) the archons come together [color=662d91]2. The Accumulation of Strength[/color] -A) Learning to master the chosen elements -B) Learning how to work around each other [color=662d91]3. A Covert Gathering of Knowledge [/color] -A) A mission to discover hidden locations and plans of the enemy [color=662d91]4. The Folly of Arrogance [/color] -A) In an attempt to destroy an enemy base, many of the archons are captured [color=662d91]5. A Struggle to Rise Again[/color] -A) After a devastating blow to the team’s moral, they struggle to regain their drive [color=662d91]6. The Discovery of an Ancient Treasure[/color] -A) As the crew forges on, they find the remnants of a ship that was the home of the previous archons [color=662d91]7. Nothing is as it Seems[/color] -A) After his first attempt to crush the new archons, Thanatos destroys the home galaxy of one of the archons in an attempt to display his power and turn them away from opposing him [color=662d91]8. Recovery from a Devastating Loss[/color] -A) In the wake of Thanatos’s destruction, the Archons must make a choice: challenge the archon of death or Join him in his selfish ways of life [color=662d91]9. To Fight for Justice or for Vengeance?[/color] -A) After the decision is made to continue their campaign against Thanatos, some of the members struggle with their anger towards the archon of death when their bloodlust begins to interfere with the group's ability to work as a team [color=662d91]10. The Final Battle[/color] -A) The archons come face to face with Thanatos himself where their powers and ability to work together is put to the test [color=662d91]11. Epilogue[/color] -A) The archons begin to wind down after their grand quest and begin to settle into their lives as the defenders of the multiverse [/hider][/center] [center][hider=The Temple] [center][hider=Entrance] [center][img]https://cdn0.artstation.com/p/assets/images/images/001/611/796/large/sylvain-sarrailh-templepreartstation.jpg?1449493234[/img][/center][/hider][/center] The temple was created by the first archons as a central space for all of them to meet for important decisions. It is a living structure that evolves with the multiverse and holds records of every important event to take place anywhere in the multiverse. Rooms within the temple will constantly shift according to the needs and desires of the inhabitants as if the temple itself were alive. The current known areas of the temple are the Library, Map room, living quarters, training room, lounge, rift room, and a meeting room. [center][b]The Library[/b][/center] [center][hider=The Library] [center][img]http://cdn.obsidianportal.com/assets/66856/JediTemple2.jpg[/img][/center][/hider][/center] The Library Holds records of every historical event throughout the multiverse, storing it in by universe and then by the planet the event took place on. It holds all known literature in the multiverse for record keeping purposes. There are various desks and workstations scattered throughout the library as well as multiple plush chairs and a fireplace for casual reading. [center][b]Map Room[/b][/center] [center][hider=Map Room] [center][img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/3b/2d/10/3b2d101ab05706f3a5cf3bdb45524231.jpg[/img][/center][/hider][/center] A general Map of the entirety of the multiverse. Can be used to view any planet in the multiverse for surveillance or for an image of the place an archon may want to rift to. [center][b]Living Quarters / Lounge[/b][/center] [center][hider=Living Quarters / Lounge] [center][img]http://puu.sh/mwabP/559a738828.jpg[/img][/center][/hider][/center] [center][b]Training Room[/b][/center] [center][hider=Training Room] [center][img]http://img4.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20061219211515/marveldatabase/images/4/4a/Danger_Room.jpg[/img][/center][/hider][/center] [center][b]Rift Room[/b][/center] [center][hider=Rift Room] [center][img]https://farm4.static.flickr.com/3713/9549490737_24013a5c08.jpg[/img][/center][/hider][/center] [center][b]Meeting Room[/b][/center] [center][hider=Meeting Room] [center][img]http://i387.photobucket.com/albums/oo314/KranyakTylor/MeetingRoom01.jpg[/img][/center][/hider][/center] [/hider][/center]