[color=f26522]~Charlotte Lachance~[/color] A woodcutter? Gah! She was likely destroying the beautiful plants and things she used for her potions and stuff! That was her first thought, anyways. When Arianna started gushing about the various plants, trees, and other wildlife in the area it was clear at least she had as much love for the forest as she did. Maybe she wouldn't have to worry about her killing her precious little flowers then. That would be nice. [color=f26522]"Yeah, the forest is really nice."[/color] She replied, a small smile forming on her lips. [color=f26522]"Much better than this noisy...whatever it is."[/color] She grumbled, showing her obvious dislike for this loud Inn and its atmosphere. At the mention of a shady character though, she raised her eyebrow, fixing Arianna with a semi-serious look, before frowning as she folded her arms against her chest. [color=f26522]"I can take care of myself."[/color] She harrumphed. [color=f26522]"Just let 'em try anything with me, I'll make them regret it."[/color] She was referring to the various stuff she kept around her shop. The 'failures' or 'duds' as she called them. While not entirely useless, they were better suited for harmless pranks or messing with someone. Far from what she wanted to do - creating stuff that actually helped people in some way. She kept them around, just for giggles though. [color=00a651]~Grady Keefe~[/color] [color=00a651]"Yep, that's my name."[/color] Grady took Lawrences' hand, shaking it vigorously. He ran the other farm then? Well, he'd have to help him get the hang of things, then. He'd be a pretty bad farmer and friend if he didn't help Lawrence fix his farm up. Not to mention he'd hate seeing that piece of land just be neglected like that. [color=00a651]"I'm a farmer myself, too."[/color] He continued. [color=00a651]"Run a nice little crop farm not that far out of the town, but uh, I guess you already knew that. Anyways, nice to meet ya. So what are you plannin' on farming anyways?"[/color] He was curious as to what Lawrence was going to be raising on his farm - animals or crops. Not that he'd mind the competition, really but he hoped Lawrence didn't decide to raise crops. Of course, either way he planned on building a nice barn and getting himself some animals of his own...so he supposed he'd have competition eventually either way.