Javert nodded. "Very well. I will inform His Highness of the good news. I would also advise an early rest for an early rise, as I fully expect His Highness wishes to set off in the morning." With that, the steward left Lyn's tent and headed back to the field, where a series of long tables covered with food and drink now rested where an arena had been set-up less than an hour ago. Prince Aidan rested at the head of the largest table, helping himself to a rather simple meal of kale and salmon, with a cup of red wine on the side. The royal physician had approved said meal among others as being healthy for the Prince's weak heart. Aidan always had to be careful that whatever he ate and drank didn't risk worsening his condition. Red meats, pork, buttered bread and other typical indulgences for nobility were all off the table for him. As Javert whispered him the news, Aidan was glad to hear that the Sir Lyn accepted his offer, but disappointed that he wasn't going to join the feast. A tourney feast without the tourney's victor attending was a queer thing, and Aidan had been looking forward to conversing with the young knight. Still, a minor inconvenience. They would have plenty of time to get acquainted along the road to Lyonsvarg. Soon the feast ended, the sun vanished, the assembled peoples dispersed, and the Prince was taken back home to his palace in a carriage. He rested well and woke up in the morning with a spring to his step. Today would be the day that he would begin his first true duty for the Kingdom of Leincrad, to prove himself worthy of his future crown in the eyes of his father and the people. He was nervous for certain, but also certain that he could rise to the occasion. Perhaps the victory of Sir Lyn the day before had filled him with a renewed confidence. The Prince got his personal items together, most importantly his heart medicine. The small white crystalline capsules contained a powder that would help stabilize him if his heart began pounding like a drum. Aidan took pride in being able to craft them himself, having learned some magical alchemy during his years studying in the castle. He picked up a small brewing kit, magic charms and spell materials along with several books. One was a favourite novel of his, a few others arcane tomes, and a pair of heavy encyclopedias on Lyonsvarg and Renado respectively. He would be studying those intimately during the travel. The servants got the rest of his mundane needs packed and ready. They were loaded into a rather simple roofed wagon in the palace yard, rather than the usual royal carriage. Aidan had suggested using the wagon as it would attract far less attention from potential agents of Renado. The Prince stood next to it, waiting patiently for his companion Sir Lyn to arrive.