Finn was still annoyed at missing direct action and worried that his sword would not find any evil to smite. This wasn't how he had imagined his assistance with the Justice League would turn out. He understood Batman's reasons, but it didn't seem right in his mind, having inexperienced heroes be in the main attack seemed like a bad case of judgement. "I still think it is a bad idea to not have you strongest fighters hit the towers. This mechanical menace will have his strongest defenders protecting his source of power. It's important to always fight scientific evil with the power of faith. I hope your decision doesn't prove to be wrong" he said to the Cape Crusader and joined the rest of the rescue team. He felt a strange and dark sensation when the heroine Raven teleported them into the city, Finn was almost certain that it felt like demonic power. This made him uncomfortable being around the woman since her dark power was contrast to his divine abilities. He listened to Flash give a rundown on how many tunnels there were underneath Metropolis and from sound of it this would probably take a long time to search unless the scarlet speedster searched for survivors on his own, which he did to Finn's relief. "I was hoping to put my sword into that evil machine's heart and send it straight down to hell. I pray that there will still be evil for me to smite when this whole rescue situation is all done" he said gripping the hilt of his sword firmly and looked around the tunnel for any signs of life.