[center][h2][color=003471]Grane Blauer - Capture the Fort[/color][/h2][/center] And there went Robert. Grane let out a sigh as the boy went into a frenzy. Who let this guy be leader again? For a moment, Robert was about to be killed by his own foolhardiness. Natural Selection in Grane's opinion, but luckily Trad saved their leader from becoming dog food. A pity. Grane decided to take this diversion created by Trad and Robert to get a few free kills, as it seemed the beowolves had forgotten about him. Grane pounced upon a passing beowolf, and it attempted to claw or bite him off. However, Grane plunged a glaive into the back of the beowolf's neck, killing it instantly. It seemed however, the rest of the wolves were focused on Trad and his barrier, leaving Grane relatively unchallenged. Grane broke into a dead sprint towards Trad and Robert's position, throwing his glaives at two of the beowolves clawing at trad's semblance, each splitting the skull of both wolves. At this point, the beowolves turned their attention towards Grane, a few charging at him. Without his glaives, Grane merely dodged all of their attacks, putting his own semblance into practice. He finally reached his glaives and started to hack away at the beowolves. "[color=003471]We better get to the fort now. More of these things are coming, and we've got wounded.[/color]" Grane glanced at Robert, who didn't seem to be in a condition to lead. "[color=003471]Trad. You think you can carry Robert all the way to the fort? I'll hang back and delay these Grimm.[/color]" Hopefully they could reach the fort and hopefully barricade themselves inside. With all the noise they were making outside, Grane hoped the grimm inside the fort rushed outside too.