[b][u]Robert Fallson - Capture the Fort[/u][/b] As the surrounding Beowolves began to quickly be disposed of by his teammates, Robert waited until Trad deactivated his semblance so he could stand up. He was grasping at his injured side and was using Trad's shoulder to support him at first, but soon he was on his feet and ready to move. [b]"I agree that we should start making our way to the outpost..."[/b] Robert winced from the pain before continuing his sentence, [b]"But I can run on my own. Besides, Trad needs to carry that battery."[/b] Transforming his bracers to their ballistic mode, the red haired teen fired a couple shots at a charging Beowolf before rolling his shoulders and getting a few pops out. [b]"Alright, let's get out of here team!"[/b] The team leader sprinted for the first opening he saw among the Grimm's circling formation, just narrowly avoiding a beowolf's hungry maw. As he looked back though, he noticed in the corner of his eye a few black silhouettes encroaching on Delta's position from one his blind spots. [b]"Delta! Eve! Behind you!"[/b] he called out to the pair.