Lotus Dranger held his head in his hands, trying to pass off a major headache as just being tired. He stared through the shelf in front of him until it doubled, and then closed his eyes and rubbed his forehead. Long nights weren't good for him, honestly, but it was good to be doing something instead of just wandering around with no money, no food, and no idea of if he would ever find somewhere he would call home. He would get up in a minute, of course. There was more to be done. But for now, it wouldn't hurt anyone if he took a short break. "Tal! Buddy, you're back in town!" Lotus opened his eyes, the two voices pounding on his head. He took a deep breath, held it for a few seconds, and then let it out slowly. Already, his headache was starting to ease off, and he mentally thanked Aster for telling him how to stay calm. He stayed still for another minute, swallowed hard, and looked up right as a stranger edged around him with a shopping cart. Lotus stood up to grab the dry goods he was supposed to stock next. Setting a package of instant noodles on the shelves, words finally registered with him. "...desperate enough for anything so I had him come back to work the graveyard for me." [i][color=c4df9b]They're talking about me.[/color][/i] Lotus automatically bristled at the attention, but he pretended not to listen as the owner - Lotus had forgotten his name a long time ago - sang his praises. He couldn't help a small smile, the tension in his shoulders loosening, his headache becoming more and more tolerable by the minute. "[color=00a651]He here with family?[/color]" Lotus took in a sharp breath. Yes, in a way, he was. Was this stranger looking for them? He busied himself with the noodles, but glanced over every so often in order to listen better. "If he wants to go, I don't mind." [i][color=c4df9b]Go where?[/color][/i] Lotus held his breath as the stranger approached him. "[color=00a651]Evening. Owner says you're looking for work and I might be hiring. Ever been on an airship before?[/color]" Lotus glanced around, looking for some sign that this was a joke, a prank, or a trap. "[color=c4df9b]I can't say that I have,[/color]" he answered cautiously, his voice quiet with nervousness. This could be a way out of the life he was living. Or it could be a death sentence. He thought of what Aster would do. [i]"[color=6ecff6]Go for it![/color]"[/i] Of course, Aster's impulsivity had gotten them into trouble before. Lotus took a deep breath. [color=c4df9b]"But I can make myself useful. I have experience working all over the place. I can be labor, I can be co-leader, I can be a handyman, I can be a cook. What do you want, and what do you need?[/color]" Aster would be proud of him.