[center][u][b][color=a187be]Willow Falkner[/color][/b][/u][/center] [center]Willow continued to move as Mayor Dink came up to her and began to speak. [color=a187be]“Oh my, I didn’t expect you to come up to offer a hand, mayor.”[/color] She replied after he finished his statement and then she gave him a small genuine smile. At the same time as doing this she passed Freya who had ordered her vegetarian dish and strong drink, and that’s just what Willow was able to present to her as she passed by. It hadn’t taken too much time thankfully. After finishing the order she was able to turn to the Mayor [color=a187be]“Thank you very much for the offer, It’s the first time I’ve had to deal with quite so many people for the lodge, I guess it was fairly easy to tell that it’s tiring.”[/color] Her last statement wasn’t very true though as she had kept her smile through the entire time serving and didn’t seem to slow despite it being midway through the party.[color=a187be] “Now is a good time for you to have brought people though, the second round of dishes just got done and are simply sitting in the ovens to stay warm so all you would need to do it plate it and bring it out. As for whatever extra might be done I’m sure my grandmother is going to help no matter how much I try to convince her otherwise.”[/color] With her last statement she gave herself a small laugh as she turned her head to the bar her grandmother currently was at getting a drink order. [color=a187be]“Either way, I appreciate the help. Thank you very much.”[/color][/center] [center]After guiding Joy and Hannover to the kitchen to quickly point them out to what would need to be known to them. Willow was a little overbearing at first until her grandmother came in to calm her down. Willow being as stubborn as her grandmother constantly found a small thing to fix or work on during her explanation until her grandmother nearly gave her the boot. However, eventually Willow bowed with genuine gratitude. [color=a187be]“I’ll owe you two a free meal and drink, my treat,”[/color] she stated after finishing with her small bit of instruction and moving to re-enter the Lodge’s main room. Getting a glass of tea leftover from preparing it for the witch she let the hot liquid flow inside and give her body a nice tingly sensation of warmth during this cold time of year. While she would have liked a glass of wine as she stated before, for now she was more concerned with staying sober for all the drunken people that may result during this night. As she looked on to the tables of people as well as those walking around for a moment she realized she didn’t have anyone she became good friends with specifically yet. Most people she could converse with easily and was respected, but ninety percent of the time it was while she was working and not in free time since she had been so busy getting the lodge to be up and running efficiently and to her standards of quality. Blinking once she laughed to herself slightly. [color=a187be]“Well, this party is for getting to know people.”[/color] She told herself. However, she wasn’t sure where to start as she saw several people already initiated in conversation.[/center]