Reus snorted and flicked an ear, glaring stubbornly at Anise -- but he finally sat on the shore with an irritable huff. Anise would once again get the feeling that he highly objected to having his mind probed by the lantern, but this time he allowed her just enough access to assure her of Morly's trustworthiness. The young kith perpetually traversed the length of the river; Reus had never seen him on shore. Morly transported supplies and passengers for Kith and Pirate alike, declaring the river to be a neutral zone, and so was left on his own. Morly pushed away from the shore with his stick. [b]"As long as we're on the river we're safe. Everybody knows that. But once we cross the witch's barrier at the lake, she'll come running. We just gotta be quick. I'm the quickest, though."[/b] As the raft began to float downstream, Reus stood and began to follow along on the shore. He lowered his head and flicked an ear, peering across at Anise, and willingly communicated with the Lantern. The last time the wolf had seen the witch, she had been leading Simon away from the red Lantern where the boy had first appeared. Reus would have liked to blame Simon for the witch's disappearance, but his investigations had proven differently. The witch was gone, as far as he knew. Arin -- the murderer whose corpse had provided the blue lantern to Anise's possession now -- had maliciously destroyed the source of the witch's power and protection. The witch, unknowing, had led Simon into her house -- and then the wild trees had broken into the house and snatched both Simon and the witch away into the forest. Reus had searched for her -- but had found Anise, Randold and Hania instead. But Simon was here, alive. Perhaps the witch was alive somewhere, too. The raft was picking up speed, and Reus broke into a trot to keep up. [b]"So yer lookin' for the pirate ship, huh?"[/b] Morly called over the sound of the rushing water. [b]"There's lotsa neat things on the ship, I heard. Maybe even a dragon egg. How're you plannin' to get past the gryphons, then? They like to sit on the mast. Everybody knows that."[/b] [hr] [b]"Hm?"[/b] Sir Neary hummed as he scooted along the branch, knife in-hand. [b]"Oh yes, my lady, I certainly know a thing or two about these ticking trees! They were created by the first artificers, centuries ago, in order to keep the dragon eggs in a weakened state. The clockwork enchantments suck power from the egg continuously, so it may do no more harm."[/b] He paused, huffing, and wiped his brow with a gauntleted hand. [b]"The eggs must be kept trapped and separate, or risk the end of this world as we know it. This tree is a very important prison."[/b] He put the knife to the glimmering thread that held the lantern. [b]"But the situation has changed."[/b] He sawed at the thread. His voice had changed to an airy hiss. [b]"There's an alternative plan."[/b] The thread snapped and the lantern plummeted. The tree clanged and clattered, broken with a metallic clamor inside the hollow trunk. In the same instant, the glowing metal floor dropped out from under Artemis, and she -- with the Lantern glowing steadily red -- fell into the gaping cool abyss below. As she fell, the form of Sir Neary vanished. In his place was a dark shadow with hollow gray eyes, watching her fall. Artemis would hear the rushing rapids before she splashed into cold foamy water. The rapids whisked her away down a sloping dark passage, twisting and turning and dropping, and the Lantern tumbled after her. The speed of the water slowed by degrees, and Artemis dropped, finally, into deep water. When she raised her head to the surface, she would draw a breath of fresh night air. She had ended up in a narrow river that cut through the forest. Stars glimmered overhead. There were voices approaching, and a bright blue light that moved along the water toward her. [i]"So yer lookin' for the pirate ship, huh?"[/i] a child's voice said in the distance. There were at least two people aboard a raft, coming closer. It would pass her by within a few moments. [i]"There's lotsa neat things on the ship, I heard. Maybe even a dragon egg. How're you plannin' to get past the gryphons, then? They like to sit on the mast. Everybody knows that."[/i] The red Lantern lay on the river floor, beneath Artemis.