[@Melo] Either way works for me. I originally made Gwen 18 and she's a bit of a troublemaker so maybe younger? I also went and put the last name you had picked out too.Anyway, I tired to rewrite my CS but got distracted on Youtube :P I just updated her old CS and changed a few things. [@Snarl], Here's the (sort of) updated CS. [hider=Gwen <3][center][url=http://fontmeme.com/old-english-fonts/][img]http://fontmeme.com/embed.php?text=Guinevere%20Dawnfall&name=FenwickWoodtype.ttf&size=100&style_color=A600FF[/img][/url][/center] [center][img]https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CKTgT-GWoAA12Fq.jpg[/img][/center] [b][color=92278f]Role/Class:[/color][/b] Mayor’s Daughter (Sibling) [b][color=92278f]Age/Gender[/color][/b](18-20)/Gender: 18/Female [b][color=92278f]Personality[/color][/b] Guinevere craves for the feeling of adventure. Traveling across the world and defeating various evils is what fills her dreams at night. Staying in her home town forever frightens Guinevere and she would do anything to escape that future. While leaving her father will be the hardest thing in her life, she knows fulfilling her dream is what she needs to do. Hardworking and stubborn, Guinevere will never give up on something she’s determine to do. Even if that something puts her in danger, she’ll do whatever it takes. Giving up is never an option and something she’ll die before doing. As long as she’s breathing, it’ll be done. Thanks to her long, hard hours of training, Guinevere has gained an incredible sense of patience. She can outwait anything or anyone. By being patient and calm, she tends to upset and startle multiple people though. Some of the townsman even play little games as to see how fast Guinevere can piss off the new resident. While Guinevere has a strong, feminine personality, she doesn’t have very many friends. By no means is she shy or frightened to speak to others for her bravery outshines none. Girls her age feel a little standoffish by her so Guinevere tends to stay back and hangs out with the guys. Guinevere has a terrible reputation for causing disasters. Wherever she goes, accidents seem to follow. She has a wild spirit that loves to have fun, even if that ‘fun’ means jumping on the roofs of the town. Countless people have scolded her for it, including her own father, but Guinevere just doesn’t seem to let up. When adventure calls, Guinevere must follow. [b][color=92278f]Bio [/color][/b] Born from generations of warriors, it was obvious Guinevere would have the same fighting spirit as her ancestors. From the moment she could walk, Guinevere was given a sword and learned the craft of swordsmanship. Unlike most girls in the town learning how to sew and take care of a household, she spent her time clashing swords with the boys. It wasn’t long before she gained a reputation for being a mighty warrior. Due to her passion for swords, Guinevere has an incredibly close bond with her father. They’ll often spend nights together, looking at the stars and discussing various adventurous stories they’ve both learned or even made up. Unfortunately, Guinevere spent so much time fighting, she was never able to establish a close relationship with her mother. While they both love each other, they just never connected the way a mother and daughter are supposed to. Countless admirers have caught Guinevere’s eye, but she chooses to ignore anything to do with romance. The idea of falling in love seems terrifying to her. Any romance could lead to marriage, which would mean the destruction of her dream. So she runs from anyone who even dares winking at her. When it comes to battling monsters or villains, Guinevere is fearless and completely brave, but mention the word love and she’ll take off running for her life. Most of the men around the town are aware of her distaste for romance so they tend to back off. Of course that doesn’t stop them from talking about her when she isn’t around. Whenever she’s not holding a sword or eating like a complete glutton, Guinevere spends her free time playing chess. Strategy means everything and Guinevere wants to be prepared should it ever be required of her. [color=92278f][b]Weapon[/b][/color] [hider=Sword][img]http://www.medievalcollectibles.com/images/Category/medium/759.png[/img][/hider] Guinevere carries around a single sword, a gift on her 16th birthday from her father. Shields are too heavy and boring for her, so she only uses them when absolutely necessary. [b][color=92278f]Skills: [/color][/b] [u]Combat Queen:[/u] Guinevere is considered one of the best fighters in town. She can wield a sword like no other, with the exception of her father. She's not as strong as most men but uses her swift movement to outsmart and beat them. [u]Bravery:[/u] No one is braver than Guinevere, who is afraid of practically nothing (except marriage!). [u]Leadership:[/u] Like father, like daughter, Guinevere’s personality shines when things need done. She’s one of the few who steps up to the plate to establish a plan and determine the best solution. [u]Athletic and Fit:[/u]Sword fighting does the trick for putting you in shape. Guinevere will often spend time running around town to keep herself fit as well. [b][color=92278f]Other:[/color][/b] [hider=Armor][img]http://40.media.tumblr.com/e8621448020b389017cdbccf5a673bce/tumblr_mhef30b7g91rty7tao1_500.jpg[/img][/hider][/hider]