[color=7bcdc8][i]Oh, my goodness, there are so many people.[/i][/color] Lyriia thought, as she fluttered over the already-gathering crowd. She had never seen so many people in her life. But, here she was. Miraculously, she’d managed to only get lost a little bit on the trip from Silent Rise to Ruby Banks, and had even found the fairgrounds without too much effort. And now… wow. She flew between the stalls slowly, gaping in awe at all the things she saw; she knew people were staring at her and didn’t much care. How was there this much… stuff that even existed? The small healer flew around for a while, gawking at wares. When she saw several of the Ebon Knights patrolling, she blinked, remembering why she was here in the first place. First of all, she was here because Master Longarm had given her a list of herbs that he needed, ones that were hard to grow in Silent Rise because of how dark it was all the time. Well, she’d find those later. She had to get an idea of the lay of the land, after all. Second of all, she was here because Kalim had asked her to do something for him. She’d heard stories from the elders about other fairy towns and had foolishly mentioned something about it to the Crazy Katzheer. Well, he wanted her to go look for fairies. And the best place to find them would doubtless be at an enormous social gathering where people come to sell lots of good food and alcohol. And thirdly, well… thirdly she was here for Kierie and Lyellan. She’d been so busy with Master Longarm that she hadn’t been able to get home for Kierie’s birthday, and intended to bring a surprise home with her to compensate. And for Lyellan, well, his birthday was coming up. She had no idea what to get for him, but… she’d figure it out. Lii was distracted from her thoughts by the scent of some warm, strange beverage. Thick with fruity scents and spices. Quite delicious-smelling. And judging by the steam it was likely warm. Warm was good. Fairies got cold too easily; even bulked up with four layers of tunics and a cloak, Lii was still shivering. She fluttered down next to the booth, down to approximately eye-level for the two women standing inside of it. [b][color=7bcdc8]“E-exc-cuse m-me, l-lad-ies…”[/color][/b] she started to say, the cold making her teeth chatter. She then realized that there was seemingly some sort of argument going on, for all that the red-haired woman seemed entirely at ease, totally confident in herself, playing with the dogs. Or maybe that was what seemed off, the red-haired woman too cocky, and the blonde one too defensive. [color=7bcdc8][b] “O-oh, um, s-sorry. Sor-ry. I’ll er, I’ll c-come b-back l-lat-ter. S-Sorry.”[/b][/color] Blushing considerably, the little fairy hovered uncertainly for a moment, then went as if to flutter away. She didn't go far, just across the row, to look at the next stall over, in the hopes that she could hear what the two women were talking about. [i][color=7bcdc8]You idiot, Lii. You have to observe before you go barging in.[/color][/i]