[center][h1][color=a36209]Takeo-senseo[/color][/h1][/center] Takeo would patiently wait as the Genin planned among themselves. This made Takeo feel confident in his squad's value of teamwork. Takeo knew the task he gave to the genin was very near difficult and even impossible for some, but he had faith his squad would not easily give up on the challenge. The sound of fluttering would interrupt the Jounin's pondering of the group as a bird would descend onto his shoulder. He would take small paper which was rolled around the leg of the bird to which the bird would fly way after. Scanning over the note, he would call Momo over before stuffing the paper into his pocket. From the remaining squads perspective, their senseo would have a small conversation with the girl followed by him patting her on the back as she left the training ground. The man would turn back to the group, smiling warmly as usual.