[@babbysama] Sadly summoning semi-conscious creatures such as elemntals is one thing i've expressely forbidden - it doesn't work within nullomantic rules. Not unless you've somehow managed to store someone's soul to use as a driving mechanism and got excpetionally good at anchoring. If you wanted to play support there are a myriad of other options - gasses, illusions, battle chants - you can play a full fledged bard with real effect on people with the most basic of siren charges (the old group managed to get their hands on a siren call within the first 10 posts) if you read the linked advanced nullomancy training you can see Arbos using construction and linking techniques to instantaneously make and shift between mechanical limbs, pneumatic weapons and full fledged artillery. Think outside the box. Absolutely anything is possible through nullomancy, the question lies only in how much of a master class you'd have to be in order to pull it off. Like making an elemental - if i had to have Arbos makes one, i would have him get the crystal dagger of K'tal - a mass murderer who killed countless people in an attempt to store a person's soul, use it to steal a soul of an animal, combine it with a few empty crystals and his blood to make a bloodlink core, then channel a stone skeleton around the core, fill it with fire and anchor that fire to the core, then use the commanding call of a high siren to awaken the soul and assume control, while using infection technique to feed the familiar necessary energy for upkeep. And there i'd have my elemental familiar. The only problem is - it's be a game long quest to travel the world and gather the artifacts and charges necessary to pull it off. :) So think in these terms - set yourself a goal, and that will be your motivation to keep moving :D Go big! Say you want to be able to create and pilot a giant robot the size of a sky scraper - and chances are with Arbos' guidance - come the end of teh game you'll be doing just that. Think big. Don't rush. Have fun.