[center][h1]Estelle Sidos Heurassein - Defending a Caravan[/h1] [img]http://oi60.tinypic.com/ofyltz.jpg[/img][/center] Estelle grinded her teeth in dissatisfaction, having wasted one of her precious thunderbolts on a quickly replaced Taijjitu. She took off sprinting in front of the caravan once she reached Lilac’s and the Taijitu’s positions she took a powerful stance and prepared to hold her ground, increasing the weight in her legs and bracing herself for impact. She would wait patiently for one to approach her, as soon as it did she would release all the weight in her legs and spin laterally in order to slash upwards along its eye. When it was blinded Estelle would attempt to deliver a killing blow by vertically slashing the upper portion of its body. Estelle took point afterwards beside Lilac, motioning for Sterling to join them. She prepared to defend herself and ultimately push back her opponents as the caravan was coming forward ever faster. She formulated a plan when noticing Lilac launching herself over the snake, and immediately ran back to the caravan. She placed both of her hands on the truck and focused her aura around the vehicle, which was increasingly difficult to do as it was moving at a relatively quick speed. She attempted to make it heavy enough to move directly through the road block of Taijitus and pick up Lilac on the way out of this god forsaken canyon. Should she succeed or fail however, she would be out for the next couple hours, if not unconscious then completely exhausted.