[@Lugubrious] For the sake of saying it, though I don't know if it's relevant/matters at all that is also exactly Bianca's semblance. [hider=Semblance] L’appel du Vide – Bianca’s semblance is one of attraction and repulsion. She is able to repel or attract things towards or away from a desired location. An example of this semblance is when she is fighting she can repel an enemy’s sword from her own and follow through with a strike that will go unblocked. Bianca’s semblance however has a few quirks and limitations however. The first limitation is the less something is moving, the easier it is to affect. An example of this is when she hovers above the ground she isn’t using her wings as much as she is repelling her own body from the ground. Because the ground will not move, she finds it incredibly easy to repel herself from it. It should be known that Bianca is able to send out a wave of attraction or repulsion in any direction or in a wide area, but it is considerably less powerful when compared to targeting one specific person or object. The first quirk this semblance has is that smaller objects are easier to push and pull whereas larger objects are more difficult. This also ties hand in hand with the second quirk in which objects that want to be moves are much easier. For example it is much more difficult to redirect a sword swing then it is to make someone move faster (who wants to of course). The second limitation of Bianca’s semblance is that while she does find it easy to use her semblance from a distance, maintaining more than two attraction or repulsion fields is unrealistic. It would take up a great deal of energy and leave her exhausted and unable to battle. The final quirk is L’appel du Vide’s interactions with dust. She isn’t yet able to use dust to affect her attraction abilities but her repulsion fields will gain an element when using the corresponding type of dust. For example, using wind dust will cause her repulsion waves to create a large gust of wind, water dust would create a mid-sized wave and so forth.[/hider]