He quickly moved over to her," heyhey, hey, its ok, just try to take some deep breaths. He tugged off his jacket, using it to press into the wound to attempt to stop or at least slow the bleeding from it. During this time he was thinking, a frown forming on his face. How could a person do this much damage, and why? He didn't have much time to think, because at that very moment the door was slammed open. He turned, gazing out towards the door and seeing the figure in the light. He stood up, leaving his jacket with her and approaching the guy who was taking way too much happiness from this. A small shudder ran through his body. He positioned himself between them, narrowing his eyes dangerously. He placed his hand out to the man, not wanting him any closer. He felt a tingle in the back of his brain, like he'd been in almost this exact situation before. He shoved it away, he didn't have time to think about that. He spoke, his voice harsh," do not come a step closer, I suggest you leave now, and do not come back here or anywhere near her or you will pay the consequences." His eyes flashed dangerously, the dark scar on his arm catching the light and making it more noticeable then it was before hand.[@arista]