Aidan paused a moment again as Sir Lyn confirmed the reality of the situation. He looked at her face again, knowing it was the same that he'd seen the night before. He pursed his lips briefly, wondering if he should go through with it. Not doing so would be foolish however. Sir Lyn had proven herself decisively to be the strongest out of the young knights, the rest of whom were likely already scattered to the winds. And it was too late to make a change of plans and go with a knight of the Royal Guard instead, not to mention risky for obvious reasons. Heading to Lyonsvarg as soon as possible was the priority. The Prince resigned to a sigh. "Very well, Sir Lyn. If you are ready to serve your Prince then, you may climb aboard the wagon and take the reins. Leave whatever items you desire in the back." With that, Aidan turned away and climbed into the back of the roofed wagon, grumbling slightly. Being unable to fight for himself was bad enough, but if anyone ever learned that he had a girl be his bodyguard, the Prince could very well become a laughing stock among the merciless, back-talking nobility.