[hider=Jackson Metzger] [b]Name[/b]: Jackson "Jacky" Metzger [b]Age[/b]: 28 [b]Archon of[/b]: Stone [b]Archon Weapon[/b]: Cane [hider=Weapon][img]http://www.masquerade-ball-masks.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2015/04/cane-masquerade-ball.jpeg[/img][/hider] [b]Appearance[/b]: Since birth Jacky has had a sickly complexion and a thin frame, quite the opposite one would expect from the Archon of Stone. His pale skin and long bony fingers give him the impression of a corpse come to life. While still a young man, his dreary stone-grey eyes and serious appearance make many people believe that he is much older than he really is. He stands at a shockingly tall 6ft 8in, very lanky, he towers above most people and the solemn grimace that his face passively takes adds even more to his intimidation factor. [hider=Jacky][img]http://orig05.deviantart.net/cfa1/f/2009/056/e/7/a_pianist_by_joysuke.jpg[/img][/hider] [b]Personality[/b]: Jacky is a stoic in all senses of the word. He takes pride in a strict work ethic undistracted by and unshakeable by outside influences. He keeps himself focused on the issue at hand and does not bother worrying about anything else that could be a distraction. That's not to say he never smiles, he does give a slight grin from time to time but it is very rare that he does so. He is very passionate about music and dedicate most of his free time towards composing new pieces. [b]Bio[/b]: The planet Jacky originated from would be considered by many to barely be out of its' training pants, just beginning their industrial revolution and not even yet introduced to the idea of interplanetary travel. Though technologically behind, at the Tim of his departure, Jacky's planet was at the peak of a multinational cultural golden age. Cultural disciplines of all sorts had become the worldwide focus as the planet entered into an age of music and art. Very gifted in music as well as learned in the ways of many instruments, Jacky was held in high regard by many as an up and coming maestro, he was on his way towards success. As with most of these stories, his aspirations would be dashed by something unexpected. Through a happenstance of "wrong place, wrong time", Jacky found himself aboard a space ship of gangsters passing by the planet quietly. His music had garnered the attention of the gangster's leader, who subsequently recruited Jacky onboard the ship. Now years later Jacky is on his own wandering planets in search of a new purpose [b]Special gear or equipment[/b]: With him, Jacky carries an old weathered violin that he carries in a case slung from his shoulder. [/hider]