Prince Aidan slunk against a cushion in the back of the wagon. He sighed once more before reaching towards the satchel containing his belongings and withdrawing a large book entitled [i]Lyonsvarg: From Copper Tribes to the New Century[/i]. He kept his nose in the encyclopedia for the next few hours, trying to do his best to forget his current predicament. Occasionally he looked out to the back of the wagon, watching the Royal Palace shrink away into the horizon. It was rare for him to venture so far outside of the capital, let alone Leincrad, and was looking forward to seeing new scenery at least. He also occasionally stared the other way briefly - taking looks at his new companion. Aidan was surprised that he hadn't realized Sir Lyn was female. She had a face too soft for most male warriors to possess, and quite lovely red hair too...the Prince shook away that train of thought, turning back to his book swiftly. As she spoke for the first time in hours however, the Prince turned back to his companion. "I would prefer to remain inside. And for titles - my Lord, my Prince, and your Highness would all be acceptable. Don't refer to me by any of those titles or my names when others are around though. My name then will be Erik Gwent, a courtier from the Western Isles."