[h1]Benjamin Lloyd: Brewing Storm[/h1] "If we're going to split up, we should break off by team. JCL is more mobile than we are, and they're the one down a member. You guys could maneuver around anything you hit on the way to the Control Center, and once you pick up Priscilla, you're back to full capacity." Benjamin was looking over the map thoroughly, committing as much of it as possible to memory. He casually directed Lauren towards it, miming the use of her BaSTEEL's camera while he kept talking. "Bastille's better at taking hits. And giving them. If there are any survivors in the residential sector, the Grimm'll be drawn to them like my bestie is to burger chains. We'll need endurance and firepower to clear that out." "Jack and I can keep in contact, and both of us with Goodwitch and the seniors. We get any survivors out, some product if we can, and then we worry about clearing out the Grimm. Once there are no more survivors in the facility, we can change tactics for smoking out Grimm."