[@Lmpkio][@Silvan Haven][@t2wave][@hatakekuro] [color=gray][b]Jason Alexander[/b][/color] At that alibi, I couldn't help but smirk disdainfully, even with my eyes focused upon the pair evacuating themselves from the general area. She must have thought we were stupid. [color=gray]"Oooooh, man."[/color] I said in my typical dark voice that people often wrote off as simply mumbling. Not that they would know, this is just how I speak. Low-energy, low-noise, and low-bullshit. [color=gray]"It must look like our first rodeo."[/color] Really, she thought we would be so easily misled? Come on. We may be young, but neither of us were born yesterday. And as much as I find fault with Harken's way of thinking, I can't honestly say he's stupid. He knows as well as I do when he's being lied to. I rose, and casually ambled forward, with my usual low profile (Editor's Note: Slouch), blank expression, and hands planted in my pockets, until I had drawn up beside the Paladin Wannabe as he just finished explaining how we weren't in a guild because we didn't want to be in a guild, rather than being incapable of finding one or getting in one. [color=gray]"And for the record, since I couldn't help but overhear,"[/color] I said, looking the woman straight in the eye. [color=gray]"Everyone knows it doesn't take Light Magic to break out of simple syncope. Nor do they last longer than a few seconds without the person waking on their own."[/color] My implications, I'm sure, were pretty clear. [color=gray]"So, what really happened? Why not tell us that?"[/color] A question halfway for show, halfway for Harken. I knew this Sayatachi wasn't gonna be likely to play along. Her being on the Magic Council made things very interesting. It certainly made me expect her to confront my repeated questioning with what amounted to "pulling rank". Even so, I will always confront problems my own way. Directly, maliciously, and unabashedly. Go after the facts, and go after them with fervor.