[B]Gratia Mindaro - Zephyr City[/B] "[color=66cd00]You failed your knowledge check, Venetia.[/color]" It was already evening, yet there was still a teller visible behind the large glass doors, manning the counter as if the bank was still open for business. That was irregular, highly irregular. Gratia's onyx eyes, full of cold, icy anger, narrowed at the sight. Why were the filth behind this acting in such a manner? It was suspicious ... incredibly so. For what possible reason would a bank stay open several hours after the usual closing time? What the fuck were they up to? "[i][color=66cd00]They should not be open,[/color][/i]" she thought to herself, her mind working through the haze of anger and bloodlust to think of a plan. This could be a clue. It could be. "[color=66cd00]One of us should enter.[/color]"