[center][b]Replies and new Events[/b][/center] It has only been a few days and already countries are flaring up with problems and progress. -The biggest news is the plea for help from a man by the name of Henry de Stonee. Heralding from Lascaux he has sent letters to all of the great leaders in Edorinas. He has come up with an idea that water pumps and baskets of seed are organised in certain ways that could hopefully increase agricultural output by fifty percent. He also goes on to say that when bringing this idea to his own ruler he was offered swathes of land before he was threatened and his family were taken away from him with a punishment for death hanging over all of them if he was to fail. Before he left to the areas they would allow him to test on he met up with his family, informing them of the words of Governor General Argantan. During this meeting he managed to slip his family some pills. That evening he escaped from the compound he was being kept and made off with a horse towards the Democratic Peoples Republic of Konzia in hopes of asylum. The same night his family each slipped themselves one of the pills they had been given by their father before falling asleep. They would not wake up. His letter does not specify where he is nor where he is actually going however he offers to share his knowledge with any nation willing to take him in once he has reached safety. And that he will send out another letter with his location as soon as he is safe for nations to reply too. -In slightly more positive news the nation of Terheridon has elected a new royal family. The Gints. These people are expansionists and for the first time ever has opened the borders to foreigners and their trade. Gold coins and artwork pour from its lands and into the markets and shops of the great nations, bringing with it a vast amount of wealth. Only to those who accept it though. A formal declaration of trade has been sent to all nations, the trade will involve buying muskets and cannons in exchange for their gold. [hider=Aznavor] Robert the Freedman has accepted the offer wholeheartedly and has arrived at the kings court under cover of darkness, eager to hear his response to his plea.[/hider] -The Peoples Republic of Dont, Otto Von Klibb, has replied to the Alliances offer of aid. He states that with their aid he will be able to bring order to the country and begin it on a new road to greatness. He also requests 5,000,000,000 ($) so as to begin reinvesting in Dont businesses and try to restart the economy. -Finally a public decleration from the Sofon Dominion. "Whilst we thank the Kingdom of Aznavor for their offer we would like to formally reject it. We are now again offering the same deal to the other nations which have a coastline for the Dominion to use."