[hr] [color=lightblue]You attempt to access the Personnel file on the computer console. The screen goes black immediately and bright white sparks fizz out of the console. Looks like this terminal is dead. You could attempt to fix it, but that would take hours. Suddenly the double doors of the cargo hold slide open. There is an airlock chamber about 10' long and 6' high. You see the shadow of a person in the far corner of the airlock. They are holding a small object and they begin raising there arm...[/color] [hr] [color=red]Inventory [list] [*]Data-Stick (Cargo Key, Turbo Lift Key, Virus{Unknown}) [*]Small Med-kit [*]Blaster Pistol [*]Body-Armor [*]Utility Belt [*]Nutrient Pack 11G*8 [*]Multi-tool [*]flash light [/list][/color]