[center][img]http://socialnewsdaily.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/07/stb-omazevid-banner.jpg[/img] [sup]*A special thanks to Lord Wraith who checked this for coherency*[/sup][/center] Space used to be a lot larger. Or at least it had felt that way until the day came when the Dominion was pressing upon Federation boarders. There wasn't one Starfleet vessel that wasn't engaged in the overwhelming war effort. The only ones who were not participating were in for repairs or reduced to floating clusters of scrap metal, lost among the distant stars. All except for one ship anyways, one ship that was not holding Federation lines or making counter strikes against enemy blockades. This one ship was none other than the USS [I]Orion[/I]. During a time when morale amongst the Federation and its allies couldn't be lower, it seemed a fool hardy choice. After all, they were losing the war, badly. Wasn't it folly to not use every resource available? Even some of the crew onboard the [i]Orion[/i] herself mirrored that line of thought as they went about their daily duties. Tensions ran high on board as the orders were given to leave for the Vulcan system. While this might have been considered good news, many of the crew even considered it a chance to get a piece of the action. Knowing full well that the Vulcan system was heavily contested by the Dominion. However their hopes were dashed when it was announced the ship would still not be joining the war effort. Instead the [I]Orion[/I] would be acting as an escort, one which had been ordered to stay out of conflict and avoid the Dominion if at all possible. The orders resulted in displeasure settling in the crew's thoughts. Everyone had lost someone in the war and being told not to get involved? But they were Starfleet officers and did as they were told. After all they had heard of Ambassador Spock. No one could make it through the Academy without hearing about Captain James T. Kirk and Ambassador Spock. The Ambassador's near deflection to Romulus nearly six years ago was infamous, as was the threats of war that had been carried as a consequence of his actions. In the end however, it had instead resulted in unprecedented cooperation that had waned and ebbed over the years. Though in recent years it had ebbed further than past as the Romulans had thrown their cards in with the Dominion. Adding to the insult was the Captain of the [I]Orion[/i] herself, a woman who was naturally half Romulan. Rumor had it orders had come down from Admiral Jeri Taylor, Commander of Starfleet, who on behalf of the Romulans who had requested her specifically. Darker rumors took hold before USS [I]Orion[/I] even left Earth Space. Was she a Romulan spy? A traitor to Starfleet? If so, why did Starfleet trust her? Unless they didn't and were just pretending. As the starship neared the Vulcan system everyone was on edge. No ship got to Vulcan uncontested anymore. With a new crew onboard and under these tense circumstances, to say the [I]Orion[/I] was a power keg was to graciously understate the current climate of affairs. "We've picked up a Dominion ship on the sensors." The navigation officer called out to the captain. "Bearing 32-mark-12. Twenty minutes until contact at current speed." The bridge was fully staffed, everyone had anticipated this. Still, all attention turned to the captain, waiting to see what her call would be. [hr] Meanwhile on Vulcan tensions are running just as high. Though not all of them for the same reason. While logical offered a cool serenity, that calm was running out. Logic was telling the Vulcans that unless something drastic was done, they would be overrun by the Dominion and soon. Day by day the Federation line was pressed closer and closer to Vulcan. Already every ship coming to their system was accosted. Logic offered no serenity. Instead, most Vulcans choose to focus on something else. Something in the form of someone, Spock and the Roluman Ambassador. Romulan Ambassadors had been on and off Vulcan for the better part of a year; stuck in endless discussions with the Vulcan High Council. The most recent Ambassador, Herak S'Prorta, had replaced the prior one just three weeks ago. Spock twisted the tea infuser in the clay pot, gauging the color. Earth tea was something he had developed a taste for while serving under James Kirk. He had it imported years ago and stored. Which was just as nice because the earth suppliers weren't making runs to Vulcan much these days. According to the Federation's time table, the [i]USS Orion[/i] should arrive within the hour. But until that time it was just Spock and Herak S'Prorta. The two hadn't been afforded much time to talk in between all the sessions with the High Council and Herak S'Prorta talking with the Star Empire. Satisfied the tea had stepped long enough Spock turned to Ambassador S'Prorta. "Would you care for some tea?"