Name: Robert Outerbridge Age: 16 Gender: Male Cave: 3 Personality: Robert is a generally nice person who tries to be on good footing with everyone. Although he is very easily angered. He can sometimes be a bit mischievous and pretty lazy. Looks: Robert is pretty skinny and has short blonde hair. He stands at 6 feet and weighs 140 pounds. He usually wears Brown pants with a blue coat and a pair of leather boots What you personally have with you:[hider=wheellock carbine][img][/img][/hider] [hider=short sword][img][/img][/hider] Dragonling name: Sarah Gender: Female Species: Ice dragon. Personality: Sarah is very calm and collected. She is sensible and never do anything rash. She has a long temper. she has to be able to put up with Roberts mischief Looks: [hider=As a Hatchling:][img][/img][/hider] [hider=As an adult:][img][/img][/hider] Hatchling Abilities: 1) Send sensations of cold to others around it. 2) Tolerant to cold. 3) Frost.