Lyn gazed out at the sunlight filtering between the tops of the trees in the midmorning air, thinking about Prince Aidan's description of Lyonsvarg. “No, my Lord; I have not yet been to Lyonsvarg. There seemed to be little sense in traveling the lands as a squire without the rights to my own shield. Honestly, I haven’t ever strayed far from Leincrad. I spent the past few years competing in tournaments, but I didn’t win one and receive my shield until yesterday.” She smiled ruefully. “The rule that a tournament must be won for a graduate to be awarded their shield most likely sounds unfamiliar, because I am the only Academy graduate that rule has been applied to in all its history,” she told him. “Perhaps, as the first female to last through all the years of training and pass the final Ordeal of Knighthood, the maesters felt that I needed an additional test of worthiness. So I was an unofficial knight for the past three years. I hope you don’t think me to be complaining, sire,” Lyn added. “I just wanted to explain why I haven’t done very much traveling before now. But rest assured that I am fully capable of this task of escorting you.” She glanced beside her at the map half-open within her sack. From what she could tell, they would soon be arriving at the nearest village.