While her current predicament was quite.. worrying, she noticed that most, if not all the knights in the mess hall were asleep. Save for the one that was talking and the one that was stirring. Thankfully the room was darkened by the midnight, allowing her to weave between the tables and knights without being very noticeable, and since the knights who were awake were too drunk to even see straight. Her job was made that much easier. But that didn't stop her heart from pounding hard in her chest. However her progress was slow as she moved toward the left doorway. Her side sent sharp pains through her body as she moved. Thankfully she was able to keep silent and unseen despite all her cringing. She had noticed the tiny droplets on the doorway earlier, but she didn't know what it was and she was curious. [i][color=ed1c24]Curiosity killed the cat, as they say.. But not today.[/color][/i] She thought, amusing herself with one her mother's favourite sayings. She was confident that the Knight who was speaking was unable to see her as she flitted from shadow to shadow, avoiding the moonlight and the odd candle light. She stopped short of the candle light near the door, remaining in the shadows. Blood. The floor next to the door had droplets of blood on it. Her curiosity told her to go through the door, but her instincts told her not to go any further. However getting across this mess hall to the other door was going to be a hassle. She backed away from the door into more shadows before scanning the room for a safe path to the other door.